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New chapter this week for pension reform. The beginning of January was the time of the presentation, last week that of the disputes and, will the week which begins this Monday be that of the negotiations? The bill is presented this Monday, January 23 in the Council of Ministers, an important moment in the calendar of the executive, which seems to have taken into account the scale of the demonstrations of January 19.

A surprise for the government which had not anticipated the extent of the discontent, recalls Le Parisien: “At the beginning of last week, certain members of the presidential majority were still repeating that pensions were not a subject that the French were talking about” . Since he does not intend to give in on the substance, will the Elysée make concessions on the form? With the Ile-de-France daily, a majority deputy explains: “We are going to have a long mobilization, which will extend over time, if there is to be any movement, it will be in the discussion in Parliament, after yet another day of action”. From February 6, the text will pass into the hands of the legislative power, with its arrival in the National Assembly.

Before this new stage, the executive is pursuing the reform after-sales service, but has changed its attitude. As Le Parisien explains, he “no longer seeks to deny the extent of the dispute” and is ready for some changes during the parliamentary debate on the text. Be careful, some points will not move a millimeter, has already warned Emmanuel Macron this weekend. Many announcements have been made regarding pension reform in the past 48 hours. Planet summarizes them for you below.