resim 183
resim 183

After weeks of debate and mobilization, the fate of the pension reform should soon be determined. For the executive, the opposition, the unions and the French, a week of all dangers opens with, at the key, the rejection or the adoption of a highly controversial reform. Depending on the progress, the country is therefore heading towards new heated discussions, a favorable vote extirpated in a snatch or even a forced passage of the government with recourse to article 49.3. Decryption of the program for the next few days.

Since the presentation of the text of the law, the executive and the French have been engaged in a complex battle, where each camped on its positions and argued around a massively rejected reform. If the Senate finally voted on the bill on Saturday evening, the return of the text to the National Assembly risks causing a stir again. While the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, and the government have decided to open some negotiations about long careers and a bonus granted to mothers, the unions continue to demand the total abandonment of the reform. The Head of State, Emmanuel Macron, however, does not hear things that way and wants to support the major project of his five-year term at all costs.

At the start of the week, blockages continue in refineries, garbage collectors or even in ports, where strike calls continue. The SNCF is also continuing its action with a request for a renewable strike and traffic still disrupted. While a new day of mobilization is scheduled for Wednesday, the joint joint committee must meet to deliberate on the adoption of the pension reform. It is, in fact, she who can create a compromise on the measures that the National Assembly and the Senate have not voted in a similar way. All eyes will then be on Thursday, which could be decisive and sign the final adoption of the text. Discover, in our slideshow, the complete schedule of a week under high tension.