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Consult before deciding. After a strong passage of his point reform during his first term, Emmanuel Macron chose softness for this new pension reform. Since September, the government has been consulting and questioning the social partners on various subjects. The first cycle finished, it is the second which opens this week between the various ministers concerned and the unions… And it starts badly.

Indeed, the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt gave a long interview to Les Echos on Tuesday, November 15, in which he revealed what was planned on the side of the Executive for special retirement schemes and small pensions. He thus evokes 1,100 euros of minimum pension “for a complete career”, specifying: “In view of inflation and the revaluation of the Smic, we intend to go around 85% of the net Smic”. In this sense, the government intends to create “a sufficient gap between the minimum old age and the minimum pension, in order to promote work”. According to him, this measure “will allow around 25% of new retirees – and more often women – to have a higher pension”.

A communication in the press which has not escaped the unions. Quoted by Sud Ouest, Pascale Coton of the CFTC explains: “It’s not negotiation if you learn things from the newspapers”. On the UNSA side, Dominique Corona denounces a “rather mind-blowing” method and believes that the government is “preparing public opinion”. The debates promise to be heated…

If the government has been talkative this week, many unknowns remain around the pension reform and on essential issues. Starting age, contribution… Consult the various gray areas that remain at the bottom of our article.