resim 24
resim 24

A “black week” against the pension reform carried out by the government… And energy as a tool of struggle. The unions are mobilizing to show their disagreement with this bill, which pushes back, among other things, the legal retirement age to 64 years. On Thursday March 9, 2023, the CGT-Energie carried out several operations as part of a “day of energy sobriety”.

Thus, electricity was cut in several places deemed “non-essential” by electricians and gas workers. According to CentrePresse Aveyron, this operation echoes “inverted” the buildings and places closed by the executive as part of the confinements linked to the Covid-19 epidemic. In Paris, Toulouse, and elsewhere in France, these power cuts lasting from a few seconds to an hour occurred in well-defined places that you can find in our slideshow below.

The strategy of the energy unions does not stop there. Some hospitals and other Enedis customers have been put on free electricity in recent days. Last January, the CGT had already published a press release in which it announced that it had perpetuated these “Robin Hood” actions in several buildings, namely: