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A high risk week. Two key texts for the French State must be presented to the Council of Ministers this Monday, September 26, 2022: the finance bills and the Social Security financing bill, indicates Yahoo News, but also a bill, to develop “twice as fast” renewable energies, declared Emmanuel Macron.

France’s budget text must have a very specific objective for this particularly difficult year. “The protection of the purchasing power of the French and public accounts” commented Gabriel, Attal, Minister of Action and Public Accounts in the columns of the JDD, this Sunday, September 25, 2022.

This is not easy for the executive power, because some of the desired reforms are sometimes very controversial. This is particularly the case for the pension reform, which Emmanuel Macron wants to pass at all costs. Clearly, the debates in the hemicycles of Parliament are not ready to end. If the situation were to reach an impasse, what would happen? Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne explained this Monday morning on BFMTV that the use of Article 49.3 of the Constitution remains “one of the tools available to the government if there is a deadlock situation”.

To better understand the ins and outs of the 2023 finance bill, Planet has produced the slideshow below which lists the government’s key measures for this year. Find out what may or may not be announced this Monday, September 26.