resim 29
resim 29

Another day of mobilization in France. Tuesday, January 31, the French took to the streets in large numbers to protest against the pension reform. A week after a record day with more than two million strikers according to the CGT, the anger does not weaken in the face of the bill carried by President Emmanuel Macron.

In the four corners of France, several sectors of activity (transport, industries, etc.) were mobilized all day. The least that can be said is that the popular revolt has intensified in the ranks of the strikers. According to union figures, more than 2.5 million people beat the pavement in the street while the Ministry of the Interior counted more than 1.27 million, relayed by Ouest-France.

“This is one of the biggest demonstrations organized in our country for decades,” said Laurent Berger, the national secretary of the CFDT, present among the demonstrators in the procession in Paris. Faced with the resurgence of this general mobilization, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne spoke on social networks. “The pension reform raises questions and doubts. We hear them. The parliamentary debate is opening. It will make it possible, in transparency, to enrich our project with a goal: to ensure the future of our pay-as-you-go system. C It’s our responsibility!” read a message posted on his Twitter page.

This new day of mobilization was also an opportunity for the demonstrators to make their disagreement known, armed with their signs and their slogans. From Paris to Marseille, but also Figeac and Bordeaux… The French have not lost their sense of humor to make public opinion react. Anthology with 10 images in our slideshow.