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This Friday, November 4, Patrick Fiori will be the emcee of the program Embarquement immediate, broadcast in the first part of the evening on France 3. The juror of The Voice has brought together his singer and musician friends to offer spectators a Corsican getaway in songs . We will find in particular Soprano, Patrick Bruel, Claudio Capéo, Jenifer, Bénabar, Chimène Badi, or Kendji Girac on the stage of the open-air theater of Casone, in Ajaccio.

In an interview with TV Magazine, the 53-year-old singer explains that he was behind the concept of the show and that he had to put his career for “a year on hold” to complete the project. . “I had the idea of ​​this program which follows the two Corsu Mezu Mezu albums, where titles from the Corsican repertoire are performed in duet by an island artist and another from the continent”, he explained. While waiting to see the result on the air, here are three anecdotes that you may not know about the artist of Corsican origin.

Born September 23, 1969 in Marseille, Patrick Fiori spent his youth between Marseille and the Island of Beauty. He made his debut in song at the age of 12 by integrating the musical “The legend of the santonniers”. What you may not know, the young singer still bore his Armenian father’s last name, Shuchayan. “At school, no one could pronounce my last name: Chouchayan. So, when I was 14, I asked my father if he would mind if I took my mother’s maiden name, which means ‘ flowers’ in Italian”, he explained to the magazine Femme Actuelle in 2015. This is how the singer will then become known as an artist under his current stage name.

In 1993, Patrick Fiori, 23 years old at the time, represented France at Eurovision, organized at Millstreet in Ireland. With his title “Mama Corsica”, the singer finished in a good fourth place in the singing competition. Guest of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine in C à vous on September 11, 2022, the singer revealed a terrible mishap that took place behind the scenes. “I got confused with a country whose name I will not name. A very jealous, really badly brought up gentleman who decided to tackle me against the wall. He was aggressive. Nobody knows that,” he said. . However, the artist preferred to retain only the positive of his adventure. “Anyway, at the time there were 290 million people watching Eurovision. It was something exceptional […] But me, what appealed to me to go to the Eurovision was to sing half French, half Corsican.”

Asked by Nikos Aliagas for the magazine Gala, Patrick Fiori made a funny revelation. To the question “The sentence that you would never have imagined hearing?”, the singer replies: “‘Ah well, you are Florent Pagny then!’ or ‘You know Monsieur Bruel, I’ve seen all your films!'”. Indeed, Patrick Fiori is often confused with his artist friends Patrick Bruel and Florent Pagny. Patrick Fiori and Patrick Bruel have the same brown hair, have sung together on several titles and are both actors. A misunderstanding by some fans that may be understandable. Regarding Florent Pagny, the only common point he has with Patrick Fiori is that they are both coaches in the show The Voice. A confusion is surprising to say the least.