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Located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, L’Elysée is the scene of rituals, confidential conversations and sometimes even crisp stories. Nearby, a famous singer has the chance to closely observe the different tenants, and this for four terms. For twenty years, Patricia Kaas has lived just opposite the presidential palace.

Patricia Kaas benefits from a direct view of the tenant at 55 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. If she has not yet had the opportunity to cross paths with Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron, the interpreter of “Mademoiselle sings the blues” has a few anecdotes with her predecessors. The first, Jacques Chirac, would have made a funny proposal to her during a Franco-German congress in which the singer was invited in the early 2000s. Indeed, the former president would have proposed to let his bichon Sumo mate with Tequila, the artist’s bichon, thus revealed number 546 of Gala, published on December 2, 2003. With Nicolas Sarkozy, the singer was invited to a state dinner with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his wife, in March 2010.

In an interview with VSD in early 2017, Patricia Kaas deplored the restrictions linked to the extension of the state of emergency by the Hollande government: “It’s a mess. It’s horrible, we can’t do anything anymore, we can’t move, we’re parked behind barriers, I’ve been overprotected since they closed rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré. Taxis don’t go through. Well, I can still carry my suitcase, but it’s still painful. And, from 8 p.m., when they close the barriers, even pedestrians do not pass. So, when you invite someone for a drink, if you do not leave the names at the bottom, no one passes . And I’m sorry, but it’s your privacy. You don’t want everyone to know who comes and goes from your home. As I’m also a personality, people talk. Sometimes I talk to the police , I ask them: ‘But what can happen?’ It became unlivable.”