Parliament with stable urge Impersonal no window in the evening is a semi schturm
Parliament with stable urge Impersonal no window in the evening is a semi schturm

Parliament with stable urge – “Impersonal, no window in the evening is a “semi-schturm””In the autumn session, the Swiss Parliament to the Federal house and most of the politicians crying the Bern Expo, hardly any tears to the. But the exile site not only had disadvantages.8 Kommentare8Willkommen, but rather uncomfortable most of the Parliamentarians were members in the vast and unadorned exile in the Bern Expo.Keystone/Peter Klaunzer

The vast majority of the people’s representatives of the cries of the Bern Expo no tear to. Most of them are glad for the autumn session, back in the familiar environment in the Federal house. Concerns there is a maximum of the Corona-Setting there.

“The fallback possibility in the Bern Expo I found excellent.” With this statement, the Aargauer SP-national councillor Cédric Wermuth is pretty alone. Most of the about a dozen of Keystone SDA respondents Parliamentarians To found more disadvantages than advantages at the exile site.

“Excellent alternative”: The Aargauer SP-national councillor Cédric Wermuth on the phone during the summer session of the Swiss Parliament in Bern Expo in Bern, Switzerland.Keystone/Anthony Anex

“Impersonal, no window, artificial light in the evening is a “semi-schturm”” – the Zurich SVP national councillor Thomas Matt leave a good hair on the exhibition hall. He hope it will not give to the illegal Demos, no second wave, “we must in this concrete bunker”.

“The evening is a “semi-schturm””: SVP national Council Thomas Matt leave a good hair on the exhibition hall. Keystone/ Alessandro della Valle

In fact, it came as a neutral observer the impression that the retreat of democracy in the Bern Expo is a very industrial color. The content of the flow band cadence of the crisis mode in which the councils are advised, especially in the first extraordinary Session of the billions in loans to cope with the Corona-crisis for the bike fit.

“Austere and ascetic”

“Here it is very plain and ascetic,” says the Walliser SP-Nationalrat Mathias Reynard is the Ambiance. He was very return happy, to the Federal house. There it to go to a warm and convivial and forth. But the Bern Expo, will always have to be the place where the councils “Decisions is incredibly important how the CO2-law” like.

Very happy about the return to the social Federal house: the national Council Mathias Reynard (SP/VS).Keystone/Anthony Anex

The vast distances and the difficulty of communication is consistently cited as the most striking negative feature of the replacement area. A good policy of compromise need however near. “Here it is much more difficult to quickly establish contacts,” says the Solothurn CVP-Ständerat Pirmin Bishop.

“too Much distance is a solution, not detrimental,” notes Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter (CVP/BL). Spontaneous agreements and short ways behind the Scenes for the “intélligence collective”, i.e. the swarm intelligence, which is essential put it in the Canton of Vaud GLP-Mrs Isabelle Chevalley.

Demanded President

Particularly great was the challenge for Council President Isabelle Moret (FDP/VD), which conducted the meetings. The parliamentarians were very far away. You can’t feel what you think. You don’t recognize the facial Expressions and see little, if someone wanted to, for example, a small request. “It was difficult, but we managed.”

The medal but also had its downside. “There are no lobbyists are there. You have an incredible amount more time, it is a lot quieter,” said the Zurich-based SP-national councillor Fabian Molina. Next to him, party colleague Jacqueline Badran nods: “Here we eat Lunch, and we never had the time, because in the Federal house, always some appointment.”

“wedding talks” at a distance? CVP party President Gerhard Pfister (right), in discussion with the President of BDP, Martin Landolt (left) and Ida Glanzmann-Hunkeler (CVP/LU) in the large national Council hall in the Bern Expo in Bern, Switzerland.Keystone/Peter Klaunzer

Fewer lobbyists and more space also appreciated the BDP-President Martin Landolt: “This was unusual, but had its positive sides,” he admits. To then but to follow up: “Basically, a background noise that prevails in the bee-house atmosphere of the Federal building and the one missing is missing”.

Lack of reverence

Also, Molina is missing to a certain extent, something of the metaphysical shiver: “The state, political responsibility, the feeling in the Federal house, is another of these comic Expo halls.” Even Matt agrees. He had always a certain degree of Pride and awe, to the Federal house. “I haven’t been here at all.” Also Wermuth talks about the Federal house as a “sacred place with a great history”.

the Long marches in noisy industrial buildings: Federal councillor Viola Amherd leaves after a debate in the Council of States with their Weibel Martin, settlers in the exhibition building of the Bern Expo.Keystone/Peter Klaunzer

All, stable the urge to, Despite, here and there, also the reservations for the return to the Federal house. Landolt, who makes no secret of the fact that it is supposed to curb never goes back with mixed feelings. “The prospect of, as the Setting is in the Federal house, is not anmächelig. It is apparently not less complicated than here.”

Techno – and Corona-Chic in the Bern Expo: Whether Ratsweibel Peter Truffer and colleague, Andrea Hänni must occur in the fall and in the Federal house yet so if you collect votes, is still open.Keystone/Peter Klaunzer

it is not Yet clear whether and how the requirements of the Federal office for health (BAG) can be met. Whether it is, for example, cutting discs in between the seats or a mask is mandatory. Matt would surprise a mask of duty. “The BAG says, always, bring nothing.”

Also Badran and Schneider-Schneiter are of the opinion that you would need to travel in the fall in the Federal house “as normal” or not to “overdo it”. There is also the ability to test, adds Molina.

The images that are

the question Remains, what remains for the representatives of the people, especially after an extraordinary and an ordinary Session in the Bern Expo. “The gigantic great hall, triggering a huge anonymity,” says Landolt. “You almost needed a pair of binoculars, that was crass otherwise.”

democracy in the industrial-Chic in the big national Council room in the Bern Expo in Bern, Switzerland.Keystone/Peter Klaunzer

“I totally respect the parliamentarian prior to the new crisis situation in retracted position, as we sat on the first day of the extraordinary Session in this hall,” recalls Schneider-Schneiter. It had been an “incredible peace”. Meanwhile, the party-political bickering have regrets but again the upper hand Badran.

you would have to Turn due to the large distances – instead of high-heeled shoes used Celine Amaudruz (SVP/GE), makes the summer session a group Selfie in the national Assembly in an exhibition hall of the Bern Expo in Bern, Switzerland.Keystone/Peter Klaunzer

to Some of the quoted rest to the Federal house to take, it is hoped that the Geneva SVP national councillor Céline Amaudruz. But you, who is always with high-heeled shoes, and, above all, kept the large distances in the memory: “I needed a pair of sneakers.” The Bishop appreciated the generous space: “I had less clean up than in the Federal house.”


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