Paris the rule book the decisions of The climate summit in Katowice
Paris the rule book the decisions of The climate summit in Katowice


in the Future, all States are subject to uniform transparency rules and Standards for CO2 capture. As a result, the progress of individual countries should be in the pursuit of their CO2-reduction targets comparable. The developed countries had passed in Katowice to the fact that emerging countries such as China, they even capture the greenhouse gas Aussstoß according to the same methods as. Developing countries have a transitional period, in order to create the technical preconditions for this.


In the Paris climate agreement the promise of the industry is held in countries, from 2020 onwards, 100 billion dollars for the fight against global warming in poor countries. This amount should go up to 2025. Prior to 2025, a new financing is to be defined by the target. In Katowice, the development requested by States that you are regularly and reliably informed about the increase in the resources to have planning security. It was decided, inter alia, that the industrial countries about it reports in the Two-year cycle. Environmentalists criticize that about, loans than climate aid can be credited.

damage and losses

The developing countries have been complaining of for years, that damage and losses due to climate change in the negotiations are not sufficiently recognized. On the previous climate-aid, you require for tackling climate change-the consequences of a separate support. According to the Agreement of Katowice, the issue is to get more weight: In the case of the balance sheet of the global climate protection efforts (“Global Stocktake”), according to the Paris Treaty every five years, the damage and losses taken into account in the future. Financial support has not been brought in this area, however, on the way.

Future of climate goals

In Paris, had the States submitted voluntary, self-imposed targets to curb their CO2 emissions. At that time, it was agreed that, by 2020, the updated objectives
presented. The Katowice decisions affirm this prompt – a formulation that these goals need to be significantly tightened, as environmentalists had demanded, is not found in the Text. Additional efforts to increase the climate targets had assured during the conference, however, a “coalition of the Ambitious”, including the EU, with Germany, as well as small island States.

reference to the IPCC report

The final document of Katowice includes also a recognition of the recent special report of the world climate Council (IPCC), in the increased use to achieve the 1.5 degree target is called for. This point had been in negotiations to be particularly contentious. The USA, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Russia had positioned itself against the summit welcomed the Report, but insisted that he is only “taken note of”. As a compromise formula can be found now in the decision that the “timely completion of the report” is welcomed.