An American couple is expected to soon have their first child. The sex of the future baby and to make it known they wanted something original to do. They had a balloon filled with pink or blue petals, and try again. to save the settings. But it ended up quite different from what they had expected.

see also:

the parents-to-be would like sex of the baby reveal with a ‘burn-out’, but it goes all the way error:

the Parents-to-be reveal the sex of the baby, but crying for another reason

More about that by any chance? Reckless tourists get off from the vehicle during the safari, to have “a better shot of the lions” Patje Krimson: “to be A lover have I found to be exciting,” the Kitten was scared to death when they should be removed, but will be quickly comforted by the dog’s Federal police are on the lookout for a suspect of a sexual assault at the Brussels car park