resim 706
resim 706

The arrival of a child is a big change, which must be accompanied with caution and finesse. To help you with this upheaval, the French system has set up parental leave, accessible to any future parent who has been employed for at least one year in their company. It allows you to suspend your employment contract and your salary to obtain support from the Family Allowance Fund thanks to the young child care benefit (Paje). How are the quarters of this period calculated for your retirement?

As soon as your child is born, you can take advantage of parental leave, which can last a maximum of one year. During this period, it is the Family Allowance Fund which will take over with the childcare service (Paje). In addition, you will also be able to receive the daily parental presence allowance (AJPP), the shared child education benefit (PreParE) or the increased PreParE, or the free choice of childcare supplement. . This parental leave nevertheless remains integrated into the calculation of the basic retirement quarters, as well as at full rate, by the retirement insurance increase system.

In the context of parental leave, these quarters of retirement insurance do not entail any contributions since they are considered “assimilated”. If you have obtained several parental leaves during your career, the calculation of the quarters is added from date to date and rounded up to the next quarter. The accumulation of quarters of insurance increase for parental leave cannot, however, exceed twelve quarters in total. At the same time, the increase for parental leave is only valid for leave which results in a complete cessation of your professional activity. It is not possible to benefit from it if you maintain a part-time activity.