Oxygen affair Extended grace period for Luitz
Oxygen affair Extended grace period for Luitz

According to the Anti-Doping rule violation of skier Stefan Luitz of the German ski Association (DSV) now has up to 28. December and two more days to comment on the disqualification. A corresponding extension of the period of the world ski Federation (Fis) confirmed on Wednesday the German press Agency. You have asked the Fis to the extension, because Luitz not to have had by the many races within a few days before Christmas, enough time to deal with the issue appropriately, it was called by the DSV.

Luitz had at his first world Cup victory at the 2. December against the Anti-Doping rules of the Fis violated. The Fis decided, therefore, on the advice of their Anti-Doping panel, after a day long deliberations, to disqualify the 26-Year-old for the Competition retroactively. The DSV and Luitz can accept the penalty or request a hearing, and another, probably lengthy procedure. “We support the Stefan, no matter what he decides,” said DSV spokesman Ralph Eder on Wednesday, the sports information service (sid).

Luitz had breathing between the two runs of the giant slalom in Beaver Creek fresh oxygen through a mask. The world Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) allows this method explicitly, in the regulations of the Fis, however, it is prohibited. The differences were the DSV to own data is not known.