Our country has made to European arrest warrants issued against Lluis Puig and Toni Comin received
Our country has made to European arrest warrants issued against Lluis Puig and Toni Comin received

The public prosecutor in Brussels, the European arrest warrants (EAW) be received that the Spanish court had been issued against Catalan politicians, Lluis Puig and Toni Comin’, but the commands are mostly in Spanish, and I must, therefore, have to be translated.

the length of time the translations will take some time, it is not clear, says the Brussels-parketwoordvoerster Stéphanie Lagasse.

In the event of the PAYMENT against the former prime minister, the president of Catalonia, and Carles Puigdemont it was first announced that the translation is in a week, it would take a while, but in the end, they’re just a couple of days.

The two Catalans are been around since at least 2017 in our country. They are to be prosecuted for sedition, disobedience and abuse of public funds. Before the Spanish court, already made two PAYMENT to them was issued, but the first one was made in Spain itself repealed, and the second in may 2018, by the Brussels court is not feasible, were unfounded. According to the court, were that the PAYMENT is not regular, since there was no valid underlying national arrest warrants voorlagen, which were in agreement with the content of the European arrest warrants.


in The Spanish court, had, on the 14th of October, even though the creation of a European arrest warrant (EAW) issued against Carles Puigdemont. Spain Puigdemont continue as he was, in 2017 a referendum is organised, and thus ran counter to the Spanish constitution. Two of the earlier EAW’s that were issued as a result of the Spanish court, revoked. On the 16th of december, the Brussels court over the PAYMENT of against the former prime minister, the president of Catalonia’s turn.

as The new warrants of arrest are coming after the supreme court had made a decision to have the seven in Catalan politicians and two activists [jurist report] from nine to thirteen years of age, are due to their involvement in the onafhankelijkheidsreferendum on October 1, 2017. That conviction led to various protests in the border with france.

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