resim 7
resim 7

This Tuesday, January 31, a decree published in the Official Journal formalizes a system whose foundations had been laid by a decree dated April 27, 2022. This measure concerns first of all the methods of practice of the profession of orthoptists, i.e. professionals of the healthcare responsible for visual rehabilitation. They can, from this Wednesday, February 1, prescribe glasses with corrective lenses to their patients.

However, not everyone who needs help to see clearly will be able to avoid an appointment with the ophthalmologist. Indeed, patients will have to meet several criteria to be able to benefit from this device. First of all, the age of these patients greatly restricts the number of people concerned. To be able to have your glasses prescribed by your orthoptist, you must be between 16 and 42 years old.

In addition to this relatively strict age framework, there are several contraindications, which could exclude you from this very practical device. First of all, patients suffering from refractive disorders associated with an ophthalmological pathology will find themselves in a situation of contraindication. These disorders correspond to diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, or glaucoma.

The second category of contraindication corresponds to those suffering from a so-called “general pathology”, such as AIDS, diabetes, or any type of autoimmune disease. Finally, patients undergoing long-term drug treatment that could impact their visual abilities are added to the people excluded from this system. The treatments in question correspond in particular to corticosteroids prescribed over time, or to chemotherapy.