Residues detected in the urine – Bio does not protect from pesticides In urine samples from 30 Participants from Switzerland, the “Health and safety has demonstrated” a number of residues of prohibited plant protection products. Also affected were people who ate organic. 79 Kommentare79In agriculture popular in the body rather undesirable: On the dangerousness of the detected in urine, residue, disagreement reigns. Photo: Angus Mordant, Bloomberg/

glyphosate, Chlorpyrifos and naphthalene: The list of potentially cancer-causing or soon banned substances, in an investigation of the magazine “health tip” (paid articles) have been found in the bodies of 30 people from all over Switzerland, is a long one. The samples were analyzed for 60 pesticides. In the case of each participant, of residues of at least five pesticides were found – a woman (31) from Baden AG, there were no less than 17. In the case of a 3-year-old boy from Zurich, there were 11 pesticides.

not been Proven, for example, in all samples the residues of Chlorpyrifos, which is used in agriculture such as in citrus fruits. The insecticide is banned in Switzerland, starting in July, in the EU since February. It is suspected to cause damage to the brain of the newborn. The controversial glyphosate, a weed destroyer, could be obtained in almost every third sample. Residues are not found according to the Test only in the urine of women who eat conventionally. Thus, 13 of the subjects ate a week before the Test predominantly organic.

“the Problem of the Cocktail-effect”

For a biologist Caspar Bijleveld is the result is frightening: “The result shows that one can not escape the poisonous substances – even if you eat organic. The industry for new plant protection products on the market. 20 years later you realize that you are dangerous and will take you from the market. This works since the 70s.”

So you have also in the case of the Neonicotinoids (a group of insecticides, Anm. d. Red.) said, there is no risk for mammals from the go. After the big have used insects to die, had been banned some products. For the health of the subjects is no direct danger due to the residues well. But: “the Problem of the Cocktail effect is: no one knows if the substances in Combination in the body increase. We have no idea what the long-term consequences, or whether these Cocktails are carcinogenic, because they have never been tested.”

“Constant is too high, the total amount of chemicals exposed to”

Also pesticide researcher, Joëlle Rüegg, Professor at the Swedish University of Uppsala, says in the current issue of the “K-tip”: “The people are constantly exposed to a high total amount of chemicals.” This is dangerous, since many of these substances are harmful to the body.

The maximum values would be lagging behind the scientific knowledge, said Rüegg already in 2018, compared with SRF: In the animal experiments, which were made with the determination of the maximum values, not going about the risk to unborn children or weakened organisms. In addition, there is a lot of chemicals and pesticides, which have affected the hormone system: “If they act together, the effect is much greater.”

toxicologist doubt dangerousness

a different view Michael Arand from the Institute for pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Zurich. He criticized the recent investigation: “With today’s methods of analysis can also be found on the top of the Säntis still traces of pesticides in the snow. That’s not to say that they are actually harmful for the human organism,” says Arand.

Arand is convinced: “We live in an extremely protective company. If a substance in animal experiments a health hazard is identified, it is often already the hundred – or thousand-fold lower amount than the guideline value for humans.” If so, a product for the wide application come on the market, go into all the rules “a very low risk for the people”.

The Federal offices for agriculture and veterinary office (fsvo) is not also the view that the detection of a substance in the urine mean that the health of the Tested is at risk. Traces of various residues in the urine is to be expected. “The permissible maximum Residue limits are not legally regulated and consumers are adequately protected against prohibited pesticides,” says Eva van Beek from the BLV.

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