the mission of The informateurs, Johan Vande Lanotte (SP.(A) and Didier Reynders (MR) is available for only 130 days. They entered Monday with their preformatienota to submit to king Philip. That must be a new informateur, or scout the field and off. Maybe he will do it on Tuesday.
the King, He had, Reynders, and Vande Lanotte, on the 30th of may has been appointed as informateurs, to all other parties to examine the possibilities for the formation of the federal government. It wouldn’t be an easy task, given the very different election results on both sides of the language border.
The informateurs have it on Monday, after 130 days of their final report, to be released, after which the king has put an end to their mission. He has been the appreciation expressed for the effort made and work done in the last few months, it will tell you the palace in a press release.
“No blank sheet of paper to start”
Reynders, and Vande Lanotte gave a press conference to further explain the note, which the king paid to have it. “It’s a lot more time is requested than we had thought”, said the ex-informateurs. “After five years of harsh confrontation, it is not surprising, therefore, that it takes a long time for the major parties to speak. The diabolisering between N-VA and PS, you don’t get to just been. However, the foundation has been laid for a proper discussion, they should not have a blank sheet of paper to begin.”
no matter How close the PS and N-VA to each other, they didn’t tell me. “That’s why we do not make any statements about it. But no one can see the mistrust between them is undeniable. The biggest change is the order of the enemies of our interlocutors-to-be.”
Vande Lanotte highlighted that the trust between the two sides needs to grow up. “There is plenty of water, he took off again, with a metaphor, “but the horse must not be thought that there were crocodiles in the water. It is not the horse that must want to believe.”
the King sets
the , and The king is now back in place, and it will, in all likelihood, someone from the PS, and one of the N-VA in the to field in the send. For the really big guns, such as the N-VA-president Bart De Wever and the future PS president Paul Magnette, it seems it’s still too early in the morning. It is more likely that the king and He chooses to work with a new type of verkenningsopdracht. The name of the former minister-president Geert Bourgeois (N-VA) are circulating, for example. In Wallonia, they would look at the PS, there is Jean-Claude Marcourt.
The course is still in the purple-and-yellow, and the formation of N-VA and PS, together with the government to sit up. The two parties don’t have to wait for that. Only PS has an alternative with the blue-green. But it needs to be, Open VLD and CD&V) as far as getting the N-VA, to solve problems, and a government with the Flemish minority in the process. They are not waiting for you.
the Incident on a yellow suede
With the arrival of the informateurs of the Royal Palace, caused the woman’s as turmoil. They went right through the back of the car, the informateursduo in.
The actievoerster wanted to be to said to be one or two yellow shirts to issue to the informateurs. She was walking at the back of their car going through the gate, but after a few meters, all caught by the police. That’s all the yellow-shirts seized.
actievoerster and was immediately arrested. Photo: THERE are More N-VA, the Flemish government wants to do it with a 1.440 civil servants have less to do, and so a 75 million-to save the Socialist trade union, promises a “robust response” to the savings, the government-Ham, also, Gezinsbond, and if the decision is not satisfied, Afraid to be attacked by the N-VA is: why is the Open VLD, are so sanguine about the purple-green government, Now it is up to the PS and N-VA