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Little known to the general public, Bruno Sanches is one of the actors in the shadows revealed thanks to the cult fiction of TF1 HPI. Before getting the role of policeman Gilles Vandraud alongside Mehdi Nebbou, Marie Denarnaud, Bérangère McNeese and Audrey Fleurot, the actor took Cours Florent at the start of his career.

It was also in the second year that the young man came close to death. As revealed in Le Parisien, Bruno Sanches broke his neck after a perilous acrobatics. “I started to believe in positive thoughts thanks to a doctor who told me: there is a 70% chance that the operation will not work again, but 30% depends on your mental strength. am hooked on the idea that with the will everything is possible”, he declared and added: “When you are bedridden for three to four months, you have time to think, to question yourself. This accident was a turning point. Afterwards, you learn to put things into perspective”.

A dramatic accident that pushed him to move forward especially since “today he is the father of two children. “I am not becoming a Buddha: I have anxieties, I can be angry. But, I no longer have the same relationship to life. Before the accident, I felt strong like a 20-year-old man. And there, life tells you if I want, I’ll take you. It’s a chance to be alive”, he confided to our colleagues.

On the side of his sentimental life, the Franco-Portuguese actor is married to a photographer and actress named Camille Wodling. A professional success that he owes thanks to the HPI fiction but also via his comic duo Catherine and Liliane.

For two seasons, actor Bruno Sanches has been playing the role of policeman Gilles Vandraud in the fiction HPI, broadcast on TF1. An endearing person whom he appreciates as he confided in an interview with Télé 7 Jours. “He’s a guy who’s a little emotionally lost. These police officers don’t have time to have a private life, and that’s what makes him touching. Gilles has three sisters, he was only surrounded by women , who pampered him. He may have a caliber, he remains a kind of young geek, who has a little trouble finding himself in life”, he explained and to affirm: “What what I like about Gilles is that he can track down killers and drug dealers, but, deep down, he’s a teddy bear”.

As for the success of fiction, the actor “just hopes that it will continue. Nothing is ever acquired, you have to be aware of it, and that’s how you manage to renew yourself to maintain this level”.

In 2005, Bruno Sanches met comedian Alex Lutz. A meeting that will mark his life since a few years later, the duo will play “Catherine and Liliane” in sketches broadcast in Le Petit Journal. “At the beginning, we were getting screwed on social networks. We reorganized in the writing, we installed them in front of the editorial offices. That’s how they started to exist”, he had entrusted to the Parisian.

A great comic experience that came to an end against all odds in 2019. “We had no more shows to put them on and nothing more to say, I believe. They retired, we said goodbye at a party at the theatre. Maybe they will come back one day. We sometimes talk about it with Alex. We just have to find the time and the right idea”.