Opera Barkouf in Strasbourg Theres a dog in Power
Opera Barkouf in Strasbourg Theres a dog in Power

Where is there such a thing, to see that the title role of an Opera or listening to? This would not have more of an idea of John Cage, or Mauricio Kagel, composer, therefore, who had much for the Absurd left? In the nineteenth century, a composer had to be savvy, already truly, to try it. Accordingly disastrous, the response was. Not only is the censorship was overwhelmed, even some of the composer’s colleague and the technical press were screaming, the works. Very wrong, as we are now in Strasbourg, is made clear.

True art is always in advance, sometimes almost one hundred and sixty years. Then is the right place, the right time comes all of a sudden, and an Opera will be re-listed, the Name and content of a maximum of the experts said something. Although the composer is by no means unknown: Jacques Offenbach. His of France to the Muslim Lahore threaded Opéra-bouffe “Barkouf ou un chien au pouvoir” (Barkouf or a dog in Power) is now shown at the Opéra National du Rhin after its Paris premiere in 1860, for the first time and is a brilliant prelude to Offenbach-2019.

the Especially since the composer of this vehement birthday gift than English-will be presented to French co-production in November 2019 in his home city of Cologne at the local Opera house. Behind it, a lot of woman power of the two artistic Director’s inner Eva Kleinitz and Birgit Meyer, as well as the Director, Mariame Clément, and along with Jean-Luc Vincent also for the Revision of the dialogues. The biggest laugh success Périzade (Anaïs Yvoz), daughter of the Grand vizier Bababeck to be married with Saëb (Patrick Kabongo), but the necessary signature from the Governor Barkouf not receive. As an intimate connoisseur of the “Salome” of Richard Strauss, she throws her father under the threat of suicide: “I want the head of this Barkouf on a silver platter!”

in Front of the Orchestre symphonique de Mulhouse will be the new Director Jacques Lacombe, who has studied this score is enthusiastic and inspiring, with very specific ideas about Tempo happen as the default for the vibrant stage and the many funny quick Chorus (chorus master: Alessandro Zuppardo). Offenbach’s music is in itself a discovery. Four lyrical tenors are in demand, in addition to two sopranos, a good employee, mezzo-soprano (the orange seller Balkis with the powerful Fleur Barron) and a Bass (the customs of the corrupt Mughal Emperor Nicolas Cavallier).

The beginning of the “Barkouf” with a short quiet timpani roll and barely audible low strings is a maximum of foreplay a Miniature. The Overture will be submitted before the third act and come announces, in the end, the orchestra sings, as it would in itself be a Protagonist on the stage. While the ear turns: everywhere piquant rhythms, harmonic-melodic “Surprises”, loving or ironic Instrumentalsoli of Cello and woodwinds and an orchestral increase in art that transports the listener into ever-greater expectation and excitement: “My dog!”, Maïma cheers in the Finale of the first act – but Barkouf not. Maïma, a young flower seller, has trills with the form, and also the leading coloratura soprano Pauline Texier, the musically most challenging role, she chirps,, Converses, enjoys in the highest tones, “to cheat a cheater”, and sings with soft horn accompaniment of a lullaby for your dog – only you know Barkouf really.

Therefore you will also would make his dog Whisperer or, rather, his Translator in the service of Bababeck (the great singer-actor, Rodolphe Briand), the servile, false, and only on his own advantage, that is proportionate to Allergy to dog hair, the, accepted as the other protagonists, without protest and without the slightest astonishment that the government authority of the dog, not realizing that Maïma his plans in the hour of audience to nothing. The people, namely, the has already thrown ten previous Barkoufs out of the window, is now rewarded by Maïmas “Translations” of Barkoufs barking: The dog is ruler of the mercy of loads of the complaints about high tax (!) and pardoned the condemned to death anarchists, including Xaïloum, the lover of Balkis (Stefan Sbonnik).

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Director and music work Hand-in-Hand, and Mariame Clément has such a good eye for Light, her irony, Comedy, Satire slip away never yaw in slapstick, or operetta-like char. Again and again the diaphragm shocking Loïc Félix as a Eunuch Kaliboul, servant of the Bababeck, paid the visit to Barkouf with the life of his grandfather’s checkered suit. Gorgeous, the plot scene against Barkouf in the third act is sneak, if the conspirators masks French politician – Macron, Hollande, Ségolène Royal, Edouard Philippe and with soft knees on the stage.