Opening of the Schengen borders to travel from third countries into Switzerland soon possible
Opening of the Schengen borders to travel from third countries into Switzerland soon possible

Opening of the Schengen borders to travel from third countries into Switzerland soon again be possible in the Schengen area to enter from the 1. July and possible. The critical nature of the discussion, for which States can be set to open the borders first.Stephan Israel0 KommentareEU Commissioner for Ylva Johansson wants the Schengen external borders as of 1. July step of the way, for certain third-party States. Photo: Thierry Monasse ()

the Swiss tourism industry is expected to make hope. Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic of the Schengen area for travellers from third countries was close, now, the entry stop, after a final extension until the end of June, from 1 to. July to be phased out. EU Commissioner for Ylva Johansson has on Thursday presented the criteria for the easing, as a guide for the EU – and Schengen-States to agree in the next two weeks on a list.

First, however, falling on Monday, the checks at the internal borders. EU Commissioner Johansson urged the countries which still hesitate, until the end of June and re-tighten. Before loosening could be implemented in relation to third States, should be given the freedom to travel in the Schengen space, is it also at the Federal office for Migration in Bern. With a view on the Schengen external borders Switzerland welcomes the fact that the Opening is carried out in a coordinated and epidemiological criteria should play a Central role. In fact, mentioned by EU Commissioner Johansson, the Virus Situation as the first of three criteria for the easing: opportunities for third countries, in which the Rate of new infections is similarly low or lower than in the EU or in the Schengen space.

A General Opening excluded

it is Also, it must be ensured that on the trip to Europe, the protection measures can be guaranteed. In addition, the EU Commission is pushing for reciprocity. The countries would have to leave, for their part, the travellers residing in the 27 EU member States and the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to enter the country. The list is prepared in the crisis response Committee (IPCR), in the since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, the Swiss Ambassador in Brussels is represented.

The discussion is delicate. For example, the epidemiological situation would not justify an Opening for travellers from China, for tourists and business people from the USA. And the southern Europeans may have other priorities than the Eastern Europeans, when it comes to an Opening. A General Opening on 1. July Ylva Johansson from the castle. The Plan is to start with a few countries and then to add to the list depending on the development step by step. From the beginning of the list, the six Balkan countries will be Albania, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. In the six partner countries in the Balkans, the epidemiological Situation is comparable with the EU average, or even better, said Ylva Johansson.

A rag rug, it is important to prevent

On the Swiss side, keep covered and don’t want to speak to individual States, which could be on the list. They wanted to first discuss with the Schengen partners, for which countries, when entry restrictions were lifted could be, as stated by the Federal office for Migration in Bern. EU Commissioner for Johansson expressed confidence that it comes to a patchwork quilt. The Swede showed a strong will of the member States to agree on a common list. Also, because the national authorities could be forced to see, at the Schengen internal borders re-introduce controls.

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