After a 2 and a 9 has entered into Antwerp, and again on the podium. A fully deserved win, by the way. Mirallas continued to be the Great difficulty in the right way with a goal and an assist, and especially Lamkel Zé took the Owl coo of pleasure.
you have No sacred cows and more in the final result. After last week’s Juklerod of the team vanished, and the Norwegian full-was now, however, the key moved now Refaelov way to the bank. Bölöni was looking at this very difficult time. We got are first starting, Mirallas should be central around the Mbokani deal of wandering, as at that time, in Everton at around Lukaku.
At the other end sounded the advance, and that there is 2 to 9 and won the dancing, but it was obvious that it is not against Kortrijk, which is just a 6 on 6 was arrested. The visitors were also the best in the game, though it resulted in that, in addition to a slap shot from the Mboyo, and a report on the purpose of the Bridges to no avail. Antwerp was too messy and it was even more difficult to the opportunity. We are, and the use of butane and tried it, but from a distance, but without success. For the first time, fans of the hands together, then Bölöni, along the lateral line of the ball and great in the air and plucked it with his left hand, he has not forgotten how to use.
Mboyo is on the pole:
finally, After 25 minutes, turn into a more serious warning for the home side. Mboyo was allowed to advance from the left, came inside and blasted a low against the post. Sign up for royal Antwerp, in order to wake up and finally get to the start button. Lamkel Zé came to start the match, and it could be done in a short period of time, three times Bruzzese re. The first time it was just the touch it may have been, were it not for the Kameroener the ball just too far in front of him and struck, and not over the Kortrijk goalkeeper, was present.
Photos: Photo News
Fortunately, the Great difficulty there was at the start of the rest. Dieumerci Mbokani – but one holy house. He didn’t even have much to do with the corner by Mirallas, Kovacevic is so stupid for him to put in a little baklijn. Boucaut, be go to the ball, and Mirallas converted the penalty to be. Finally, no discussion about who would be the stairs, albeit mostly by Mbokani on the ground that was left behind, and so was the Liege attacker’s first goal for his new club.
‘They’re after a quiet, ”
After the rest, if there should be a little bit more of a spectacle, and just as we are, with our colleagues in the persbanken said, it was Lamkel Zé, the ball, the signals are sent to a meter or two from the target. Doubt it, he did not in the least, he put the ball in ready to be ‘under’ the left and the bounce back helplessly in the corner as a bolt which Bruzzese is not even able to respond to it. Lamkel Zé is sold and then some more to show of his sweater, pull – tiens, that is, have we ever seen it before and have the t-shirt in the whole stadium to show it. The inscription, in plain Aantwaarps: ‘Lamkel, they are calm’ – it’s a collector’s item among fans. The yellow card he took it back.
Yves Vanderhaeghe knew that it would be difficult right now, but tried it with a couple of new faces Stojanovic, and Ajagun – still to turn the tide. It came too late. Mirallas did in the 3-0 ahead, but it was good, with a nice assist to the fall in Rodrigues. Iiivoo, Iiivoo, Iiivoo the Portuguese, it was just to make sure all are encouraged, from the people in the stands, as he has been for a while, out of sight. Even though there was only a slight smile from the off: that is a goal that will benefit.
Photo: Photo in the News < / p> Confirm in Genk, belgium
you Could, Kortrijk and still give back? Yes. But, with more luck than skill. A harmless shot from the Kage, the third CHAMBER of industry and commerce as was even surprising, the direction is changed by Stojanovic, allowing Bolat to the grabber went down, and the 3-1 was a fact. No one, however, had the feeling that there is still a tremendous comeback for us. If there is already excitement was that Lamkel Zé, who was a little man hurried.
Thank you for the show, Some of the applausvervanging was in place. – Antwerp will now have a two uitmatchen (Genk, tournai, Mouscron) to choose from, and should be confirmed.