On Hong Kongs Democrats hard times are coming
On Hong Kongs Democrats hard times are coming

People’s Congress in China On Hong Kong’s Democrats, hard times, relative to China’s national people’s Congress, to come plant a new security law in order to bring the protest movement in Hong Kong is under control. This is not the only attack funny message from Beijing.Lea Deuber0 comments”Unusual measures for unusual times”: China’s party chief Xi Jinping (left) and Premier Li Keqiang.Photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins (Reuters)

it is the first message that China’s political leadership on Friday by the National people’s Congress sent. Under the red star on the ceiling of the Great hall of the people, for the absolute leadership of the party across the country, contributed the highest party representative of any respiratory protection mask. The 3000 members of the Chinese bill to Parliament, however, the opposite to them sat, were obliged to Wear. However, in times where the fight against the pandemic has become a competition between the systems and Xi Jinpings against players Donald Trump in the White house with a mask duty for its own staff has imposed, but wearing a mask and did not want to Beijing to convey, apparently, the impression of the United States in something to stand for.

Without a doubt China’s top leadership was present at the opening of the National people’s Congress, its most important policy meeting of the year, trying to give the impression of control. The Land is located in the Corona pandemic, almost like in the midst of a perfect storm.

Powerful as never

the control is forced, it showed on Friday, the first major political decision, announced by Beijing around the national people’s Congress: a new security law for Hong Kong, this will be the beginning in the former British crown colony to the end of the formula “One country, two systems”, a deal, the United Kingdom and China in the 1980s, together had found and the city is a lot of freedom, fundamental rights guarantees – officially until 2047.

at home, the country announced already the victory over the Virus, but globally the numbers of victims of the pandemic continue to rise, which had begun in the city of Wuhan in Central China. Meanwhile, global 330’000 people Covid-19 have died. More than five million are infected. China seems to be outside politically powerful as never staged globally as the most efficient player in the crisis that occurs with Aggression and self-confidence. Hong Kong is the best proof that Beijing not only as a skillful crisis Manager, but also no resistance from accepted against the claim to power of the party. But a lot of it is also political Theater for the audience at home. Behind the Scenes there is a crisis looming. Party chief Xi himself spoke briefly before the meeting of an “unprecedented challenge” for the country.

With pearls of sweat on the forehead Li Keqiang spoke about “developments” with which the country is confronted with.

There are these challenges, the report of the Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, were not equal to miss the first important appearance on Friday, the government in the Great hall of the people. The speech of the second man behind Xi Jinping was around one hour, unusually short. With pearls of sweat on the forehead, he spoke about “developments” with which the country is confronted with. In the crisis, millions of people have lost in China, their Jobs. Mercilessly, she has revealed some of the weaknesses of the social system. But the country is ready, billion provide, insured Li. “Unusual measures for unusual times.”

The brief appearance could hardly be further removed from what has dreamed of, China’s party leadership probably still a year ago from this day. This year’s National people’s Congress was supposed to be a highlight in the term of office of party chief Xi Jinping. In the coming year, the Communist party celebrates its centenary. After that, the party chief will begin his third term in office. For this, he has to let the term limits from the Constitution to be deleted. Before the anniversary, the country should not have defeated only the absolute poverty in the country, but also the Per-capita income since 2010 double. To power both key milestones on the way to the revival of the Chinese Nation, a world, made the Chinese dream, Xi Jinping of his political Vision.

Hong Kong’s Beijing-abiding head of government, Carrie Lam.Photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins (Reuters)

The new security law for Hong Kong is likely to be at least the attempt, the main goal of China is to ensure, under the rule Xi Jinpings that of national unity. The laws should prohibit secessions, foreign influence, terrorism, and all the insurgents ‘ activities, would the overthrow of the Central government, said Beijing. Also, it is planned that Chinese security organs “when needed” its own branch offices in Hong Kong, “in order to fulfil the obligations concerned to safeguard the national security according to the law”. The new law, which is approved by the national people’s Congress, will be to try to find a long-term solution for the former British colony.

millions of people on the road

China in particular has accused the US and the UK during the months-long mass protests in the Chinese special administrative zone in the past year, repeatedly, to stir up unrest in Hong Kong. There are millions of people since last June on the road went to protest against the growing influence of China in your city. Had triggered the protests, the plans of the city government, to conclude an extradition Treaty with mainland China. The demonstrations had become in the autumn of always violent. A temporary climax of the riots were on 1. October, in Beijing, in parallel with the 70. The founding ceremony of the people’s Republic was held. The pictures from Hong Kong had been perceived in Beijing as a deep disgrace.

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