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From February 1 to 5, 2023, the Retromobile Porte de Versailles show is held in Paris, an opportunity to take stock of the used car market. And the result is more than positive for collector’s models with sales growth of 3.1% and nearly 98,000 transactions last year. The trend has been on the rise for two years with an increase of 22.4%.

When we talk about vintage cars, we immediately think of very rare and very old models. And yet: any original vehicle from 1993 can claim the collection carte grise if it is no longer produced. However, it is not necessary to have this card to quote on the argus. Of all the 30-year-old vehicles exchanged in 2022, only a third were in possession of a collection registration document.

According to the argus, the most traded models last year were gasoline vehicles (88.9%), although diesels are up 19.6% with the growing entry of models from the 80s on the market. market. In terms of bodywork, sedans (81.8%) win the prize, ahead of convertibles and coupés.

In recent years, car collectors have been increasingly interested in more modest models, from the 60s and 80s, which evoke their childhood. The average value of a classic car in France does not exceed 17,800 euros. It is therefore not the most prestigious brands that are the most sought after.

What are the most popular models? Check it out in our slideshow below.