Of the Congo information on irregularities in elections
Of the Congo information on irregularities in elections

In the elections in the Congo it arrived on a Sunday, election observers from the Catholic Church, hundreds of irregularities. In more than 500 cases, the computer would not work, said the Secretary-General of the Congolese bishops ‘ conference, Donatien N’shole, according to a report of Radio Okapi by Sunday evening. Reason for this are, for example, have been empty batteries. In addition, there were more than a hundred reports that voters from voting were excluded.

the President of The election Commission, Corneille Nangaa, dismissed allegations of manipulation. The choice of computer would have worked well, and almost three-quarters of all polling stations were on Sunday opened in time, said Nangaa the state television RTNC. He acknowledged, however, occasional breakdowns and incidents. Media, including the BBC, had reported of delays and irregularities.

some 40 million Congolese people were called to choose a successor to President Joseph Kabila, is since 2001 in the office and not allowed to compete. The choice should have been the expiry of his second term the end of 2016, to take place, but Kabila suspended the election. The vote to usher in the first peaceful transition of power in the Congo, since the Central African country achieved independence in 1960. Were the choice of 21 candidates admitted.