Nutrition comment sugar is everywhere sugar
Nutrition comment sugar is everywhere sugar

This is going to be fun in the next few days. One of the worst dietary sins at all, experts say, is the classic Christmas dish. Biscuits, dominoes, Marzipan, just visually a bit pimped with a tangerine for a healthy Conscience: a Bad and harmful to health you can’t eat it then.

that’s true, and it is not true. Because on the Christmas platter, everyone can see what he eats. That the sweets contain quite a lot of sugar, it is the Name suggests. Nobody can deceive, and that the Christmas bakery unhealthy hydrogenated fats are not foreign, you can think of, at least. Everyone knows so, what he’s doing, if he is accessing. To damage deliberately the own health is allowed at any time. And if it happens only to the holidays, the Drama anyway.

it Is therefore nonsense that diet Minister Julia Klöckner urged just before the Feast, the industry self-commitment to reduce sugar, salt and fat in their finished products. And consumers criticize the guards, you jump much too lax with the manufacturers?

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. Because the Problem is not in the Obvious, but where there is no consumer expects it. Whether it’s frozen pizza, the sauce for the Pasta or get the soup out of a can – almost always contain such products abundant in sugar, although they are generally understood as “savory”, so sugar-free. Hardly anyone would come up with the idea of a home, and a Sugo alla Bolognese with sugar to prepare, so it is also in the Italian recipe. The almost only exception is the North German, which is sweet to your salad, which every external action is a horror.