Non fiction book Game over Please Wake up to the system crash
Non fiction book Game over Please Wake up to the system crash

It would go beyond a Review of the content of this book. The author, a trained Journalist, on scrolls as well as all of the crisis symptoms and dangers of which the world today is threatened by The growing inequality and the division of society into elites and “Suspended” as a result of globalization and the fragile structure of the world-financial system Kraken the digital surveillance dictatorship by “data” and the threat to the democracy by right-wing populist Simplifier; trade and currency wars that threaten the prosperity; the emergence of “cyber wars” and real wars.

part or just striped of climate change is, at best, because, as Hans-Peter Martin writes, had already been in other publications discussed in detail. But this is true also for the other topics of his book. Its merit is that it offers a fast-worded summary, even if the sounds given to the announcement of an Apocalypse is something strange.

The data, Figures and events, the Hans-Peter Martin, which is obviously a voracious reader of Newspapers and magazines, collected together, are complemented by the Internet rummaged quotes from “Papers” and “Non-Papers” and enriched by the Comments he has elicited in Interviews, more or less well-known contemporaries.

A book full of contradictions

none of this is simply wrong, but everything is sharply pointed, – you realize that the man has learned his craft, and the proximity to the Boulevard is not afraid. His conclusion: “The diverse crises are interlinked and will cause the system to crash… Who doesn’t Wake up now, nothing more can help.”

Here, however, the Problem starts. Because what has been written down by Martin as nine-tenths of his book, is a compendium of hopelessness. His Excesses, starting with the title “Game over”, to arouse, therefore, on the one hand, the paralyzing sense of hopelessness. On the other hand, his descriptions are in some places – for example, when he speaks of a “prevailing media-parties-and-democracy” water on the mills of exactly of those right-wing populists à la Trump, he wants to fight.

inconsistency had been accused of Martin, as he operated himself as a politician: for fifteen years he was an Austrian member of the European Parliament, first on the list of the SPÖ selected, then on a separate list. At the time, he had denounced the abuse of law stands in the European Parliament, but often the quite beloved child, the idea of European unification, with the bath-water paid.