According to a report in the “Bild-Zeitung”nearly two-thirds (63.7 percent) of the refugees from the main-escape countries (Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and Syria) Hartz-IV benefits. Of all the foreigners living in Germany 20.6 percent were receiving unemployment benefit II, which is colloquially Hartz IV. In the total population, the proportion was nine percent.

The approximately 150,000 registered Refugees were, according to the Federal Agency for work (BA) “predominantly young and male,” reports the newspaper. You would not “frequently for the Jobs in question, in which language skills the most important role” played. In November, they would mainly work in the logistics, cleaning, as a kitchen helper and in the sale wanted.

On Friday, the employer had told the President Ingo Kramer, the “Augsburger Allgemeine”, the Integration of refugees into the German labour market over much better than expected. Most of the young migrants after a year of lessons could be German so well that you could follow the profession of school teaching. The majority of employed Refugees work in employment subject to social security and is thus integrated. Many migrants had become “a pillar of the German economy”.

The majority of medium-sized companies, says Kramer, are on the search for employees, and hoped the planned skilled workers immigration law by the Federal government. Because if it is not successful, professionals from abroad to recruit, there is a danger that Germany in the case of economically back in the nineties.