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New Year’s Eve is often reputed to be one of the most important of the year. As early as August, some people are already starting to wonder what they will do for December 31. Family meals, parties with friends, outings… The activities are often numerous and varied, enough to please anyone.

One thing is certain, it is important to find something to do, because the social pressure around New Year’s Eve is often high and it is out of the question to spend it alone. But where does this injunction come from? For Olivier Remaud, philosopher and director of studies at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, interviewed by TF1, this party corresponds to a “pure and hard logic of fun, a curling release with a joyful sense of the end of the world , a symbolic way of saying that we came out unscathed from the year that has just passed”.

But sometimes, some people cannot find the right shoe for the evening of December 31. However, this sometimes represents a burden for the people concerned. “Nobody dares to assume the fact that he won’t be doing anything special on December 31, because that means that we don’t really exist, that we don’t experience intense things, that his life is boring.” , analyzes the sociologist Rémy Oudghiri with our colleagues from LCI.

Thus, this evening holds great importance in the hearts of many people. However, it is important to celebrate it while ensuring everyone’s safety. For this reason, several departments have decided to supervise New Year’s Eve by implementing several measures.

Discover in our slideshow all the departments concerned by each of them. Be careful though because, in some departments, not all municipalities are necessarily concerned.