New the house of representatives Democrats vote to end the budget dispute the White house threatens to Veto
New the house of representatives Democrats vote to end the budget dispute the White house threatens to Veto

With their new majority in the us house of representatives, the Democrats have passed a budget draft at the end of the “shutdown” of Parts of the government. Republican members voted in the vote on Thursday evening (local time), almost closed against the draft, not the President, Donald Trump demanded funds for the construction of a border wall. The White house had already made before the vote it clear that Trump will reject the proposal for an end to the budget freeze.

The budget office of the White house with shared, should be submitted to the draft to the President, “would advise his advisers, he put in a Veto against the law”. One end of the “shutdown” is still not in sight, in addition, trump is the Republicans in the Senate continue to be the majority. Also the second chamber of the Congress would have to approve the draft budget. For almost two weeks now, the budget is shutting down the armed parts of America’s government.

the draft of the Democrats, for the funding of eight of the nine from the “Shutdown” of the ministries concerned until at the end of the financial year on 30. September ensured. The Department of homeland security, in whose area of responsibility falls to the border security, would be only up to 8. February financed. The Democrats argue that in order for a good month would be to resolve the dispute, while the full government would be able to return to work.

new Meeting in the White house

Now, the dispute goes to the next round: Trump has invited top representatives of the Democrats and Republicans for this Friday to the White house, to search for a solution. A top meeting on Wednesday had not led to a breakthrough.

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As a result of the conflict, a part of the government is at a standstill for almost two weeks. Because of the budget hundreds of thousands of government inhibit officials in the forced leave, or you will need to work without salary.

Just two months after the congressional elections, the house of representatives and the Senate came together on Thursday to their constituent meetings. As Chairman of the house of representatives Trump was sworn-in opponent Nancy Pelosi.

Trump calls for more than five billion dollars for the construction of a border wall in the budget law. The Democrats reject the financing of a wall, categorically. After the tip had told Pelosi the NBC meeting on Wednesday: “Nothing for the wall.”

“you can call it what you want”

Trump said on Thursday during a surprise appearance in front of journalists in the press room of the White house: “We have protection in our country need.” The President added: “The people in our country want it.” The President moved, however, a further Change of the concept of the wall, the refusal of the Democrats to power, among other things. “You can call it a barrier, you can call it what you want,” said Trump.