resim 715
resim 715

In 2022, no less than 22 million vehicles were affected by technical inspection. A must for every motorist, the exam frequently undergoes changes during the month of May. This is not about to change, since this month, two new measures will be added to a long list that already exists. As of May 20, 2023, there will now be 136 verified regulatory checkpoints.

For 2023, two additions are certainly implemented, but only one remains mandatory. The latter concerns the pan-European emergency call system eCall 112 while the latter affects the collection of data relating to the actual energy consumption of the vehicle. This data statement will then be sent to UTAC (organization responsible for vehicle approvals in France) to verify by the figures that the vehicles checked are virtuous. Note that this measure is optional, so the owner will have the opportunity to sign a document to oppose it, according to Capital.

In order to collect its data, the controller will have to go through the car’s OBD (on-board diagnostics) socket. This therefore assumes that the technical control center has the appropriate software to run this compendium. In other words, if this is not the case, a hardware update will therefore be essential and could affect the price of the technical control. However, nothing is really certain since each center has the right to decide on the price to be applied.

“Obviously, there is an additional cost for the technical control centers to do this collection, in terms of customer explanation, because if you add even two minutes for a technical control which lasts between 30 and 45 minutes, this inevitably has an impact. There will probably be price increases, but not 15 to 20%, it will really be on the margins”, says Geoffrey Michalak, technical and training director within the SGS group (Société Générale de Surveillance). In the current context of inflation, a small surge in prices could occur. The exam costs on average 80 euros including tax, with significant regional inequalities.