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The Italian metropolis of Milan wants to defend itself against tourists. It should be forbidden to eat pizza and ice cream at night.

Milan wants to take action against tourists who are still on the streets at night with pizza and ice cream. This is reported by “Sky News”, among others. The Italian metropolis has issued a regulation banning the sale and take-away of food, including pizza, ice cream and water, after midnight. This regulation should come into force before Pentecost, i.e. before May 19, 2024.

According to Sky, the new measures apply in twelve so-called “red zones”, which also include the notorious nightlife districts of Brera, Navigli and Darsena. Street vendors must now stop trading at 8 p.m. and consuming food and drinks outdoors is prohibited from 12:30 a.m. to 6 a.m. on weekdays. On weekends and public holidays the ban applies from 1:30 a.m. to 6 a.m.

The main intention of these new regulations, according to the city council of Milan, is to “protect the peace and relaxation of residents” and ensure the “use of public space in areas affected by nightlife”. Traders in the city have spoken out against the new rules.

Although the measures were already decided last summer, it is not yet clear whether they will actually be implemented. Citizens have until May 5th to complain about the decision.

On the Canary Islands, too, the large number of tourists is being combated. Among other things, graffiti is currently being spotted there with slogans such as “Tourists, go home”. The archipelago is struggling with the large influx of people.

On day three, several hundred emergency services are also looking for the missing Arian from the Bremervörde district of Elm. According to police, the six-year-old was reported missing by his parents on Monday evening. Since then there has been no trace. All news about searching in the live ticker.

Even elementary school causes a lot of trouble for children in Ludwigshafen. In the second largest city in Rhineland-Palatinate, 44 of 147 first graders will probably have to repeat the year. The case is making headlines across the country. Now the school director speaks out.