New heads of the CDU and the CSU The magic of the Beginning
New heads of the CDU and the CSU The magic of the Beginning

in Each beginning dwells a magic, Hermann Hesse – perhaps keep it more profane spirits, but rather with Jürgen Marcus, Jean-Paul Sartre, the existentialists, the beat literature: “A new love is like a new life,” he sang once more translucent clarity of what is, in fact, but are actually the same thing, nanana nanana. Sure, the song in the Konrad-Adenauer-house Prior to running in a permanent loop, since the sky is with Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (almost) only full of violins and all the upper limits, regional conferences, and run-off elections in the Merz of the past are sunk.

What Marcus realized at the time, is the policy: If you have finally found the Right one, then all the resentment out of the relationship before, you always tried vain to swallow is how blown away and suddenly everything is easy. At least until the next party Congress or to the bitter realization that perhaps the new life companion can cure neither the spells nor the East German Federal States in a number of alleged Alternatives or departures.

What if there is no new love in sight?

But enough of the tribulation, it is a new beginning, and the incomparable magic, he can mean. The SPD would like to just once a comparable feel. Even if the Enjoyed with great emotions known to be careful since the pain had to be contractually know that even a 100% love faster cooling, as a book trader “AKK” spells.

in addition, even the strongest of endorphins will help nothing, if far and wide is simply not a new love in sight. Because even if a lot of Comrades are likely envious on the thrilling casting of the show cross-eyed, the have the Christian Democrats with their regional conferences and the election of AKKs – a similar event in the case of the social Democrats by would currently rather as a kind of jungle camp: relatively low beam power, but all the more unaussprechlic here tests (Arrange the survey lows of the last four weeks in chronological order and calculate the cross sum). And who flies first out, is a candidate for Chancellor.

The magic of the Beginning is, horribile dictu, is always also a question of opportunities. Unfortunately, the relevant literature has in the work of Jürgen Marcus and Hermann Hesse, of all things, in this point of irritating interpretation of gaps. Maybe it is but there is also too much to put in the policy, always only on the very big feelings.

we Take, for example, the CSU: To say that the love of Christ was social to your new Chairman, hot and unconditionally, and they felt by him, such as “new born”, as Jürgen Marcus languished at the time on his pink cloud, might be too much of a Good thing. Also, that would fall short in Munich is now only a “serene space to space”, as Hesse described it in his stage poem, not sure would even Söder on the lips.