New Bussgeldkatalog license trap the German automobile club exerts sharp criticism car
New Bussgeldkatalog license trap the German automobile club exerts sharp criticism car

Since the 28. April rules apply to new traffic, the Offense harder to punish. The automobile club Mobil in Deutschland e. V. criticizes the new catalog of fines.

The new road Traffic regulations have been in force since 28. April. In the case of Offences in road traffic, motorists should expect higher penalties. Mobil in Deutschland e. V. criticizes the new catalog of fines and referred to this as a “driving-event”.

On 28. April entered the StVO-Novelle in Kraft. Many of the innovations relate primarily to the Bicycle riders and their safety in road traffic. However, the new rules also include a revised schedule of fines. Motorists can expect traffic offences with significantly higher penalties than was previously the case. The new road Traffic regulations, but also to criticism. The German auto mobile club mobile in Germany and even speaks of a “driving-event”.

Mobil in Deutschland e. V. referred to new road Traffic regulations as “completely

The new road Traffic regulations to punish, among other things, in excess of the speed limits in urban and rural areas much faster with a ban . covered” While it had to be urban to be before 31 km/h on the speedometer, rich now has 21 km/h for a driver license withdrawal*. Also in the case of rescue, streets, stricter rules apply. Who doesn’t behaves right here, must make in the worst case, also his driver’s license.

Mobil in Deutschland e. V. referred to the penalties as “completely covered”. In a press release, the President of the automobile club, Dr. Michael haberland, said: “We are calling on the Federal Council and the Bundestag immediately, the new excessive road Traffic regulations in relation to the penalties for speed violations, adapting and “licence-event” abolish.” To mobile in Germany e. V. has launched an Online Petition, which already has over 100,000 people (Stand: 4. May, 2020) was signed.

also read: StVO-Novelle 2020: These street signs are now new to the traffic.

More voices to the StVO-Novelle

As reported by auto Bild, the automobile club is not alone with the criticism. The FDP traffic expert Oliver Luksic remote referred to the new catalog of fines also as a “practice and covered” and it is not “part of the doctrine of the mean”. Encouragement there is on the part of the Green-transport experts Stefan yellow hair, of the StVO amendment, in itself, support calls, however, “in many Places are sloppy and incomplete” .

Arno river Clear, a member of the Committee for transport and digital infrastructure of Parliament for the constituency of Mülheim – Essen rejected the request to be decided. He thinks the new regulations, especially in the case of speed limits is justified. Clear explains Further: “20 over that you drive not even Accidentally, but 20 of it is, because it is always too fast. I give a simple advice: you follow the rules. Then no one has to fear for his driver’s license .”

Also interesting: StVO-Novelle: ADAC, with drastic demands for the new catalog of fines.


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