Meeting of the Nato-defense Minister – Trump wants Merkel and Germany to punish the U.S. President plans to reduce the American military presence the allies massively. The announcement overshadowed the Nato Meeting in Brussels on Wednesday.Stephan Israel from Brüssel5 Kommentare5Zu visit to the Ramstein air base: US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania salute American soldiers. Photo: Saul Loeb (AFP)

He has done it again, once again, the allies pushed in front of the head. In a timely manner before a Meeting of Nato defense Ministers on Wednesday, Donald Trump has officially confirmed to the half of the American troops from Germany to pull off, and, although not explicitly as a punitive action against the government in Berlin. Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg tried to relativize on Tuesday the threat of a deduction. The plans are not fix.

“President Trump and I have discussed the question on the phone last week,” said Stoltenberg. His message for Trump that the US presence is good for Europe, but also good for North America and the United States. The transatlantic relationship is important for the strength and success of the Alliance. A few days ago, Stoltenberg had described the first rumors about the withdrawal of troops as a media speculation. Now he wanted to give to understand that he was not in the least surprised as all the other allies of the announcement.

Germany “delinquent”

The Nato and Donald Trump, which was from the beginning a difficult relationship. Because of the dispute about the money, but even Donald trump’s aversion to multilateral organisations. Jens Stoltenberg, the social Democrat from Norway and spokesman for the Alliance, the difficult Balance between the United States and the European Alliance members. In times of Trump that is a very special challenge. Germany was “delinquent” (delinquent), was for years “a criminal offence and owe the Nato billions of dollars,” said the US President in Tuesday night to his announcement. He talked about it to halve the American presence in Germany to 25’000 soldiers. Currently, only 34’500 US soldiers in Germany are stationed. Trump’s money, the 17’000 civilians in the service of the U.S. armed forces. And, of course, Germany, the Nato owes no money, on the contrary, Berlin is after the USA the second largest contributor to the budget of the military Alliance. The argument is, rather, that Germany is doing too little for its own defense and the Nato target of military expenditure in the amount of two percent of the economic performance is lagging behind.

Hope Trumps deselection

But perhaps the nightmare is over soon and US President, Trump after the election in November history. Some in the Alliance seem to rely on the time factor. It was not possible, within a few months thousands of soldiers to be deducted, say Nato diplomats. Finally, many of the Americans are with their families in Germany. The United States had still taken no final decision on when and how the deduction will take place, said Stoltenberg. May be a part of the US soldiers will be relocated to Poland, a country whose legal national government can Trump good.

Tries to Trump to appease Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was on the phone with the US President.Picture: Francois Lenoir (Reuters)

is Quite different in Germany, the US President has already because of the trade surpluses of the export world champion in the visor. Even now, Trump made his statement again. The United States will have to ensure Europe’s security, while Germany is the surplus cost as the largest member of the EU, America, with its Export a lot of money. The announcement of the troop withdrawal is, therefore, a targeted punitive action against Germany.

Even Trumps Ambassador to Nato had been surprised by the announcement of your President: “as far as we know, appointed by the President, the military, to review the structure of our armed forces in Europe,” said Kay Bailey Hutchinson at a press conference. You believe that planning for a withdrawal have not begun. Germany is an important Partner, and no one had to fear that the United States would leave Europe and Germany.

revenge on Merkel

It, Trump is not revenge that the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, of his invitation to a Meeting in June, the seven largest industrial Nations G-7 in Washington have to follow. The American presence in Germany-is a bilateral history that is tangent to the Alliance partner. But the Americans, in particular damage to himself, like Jens Stoltenberg stressed. Because the US presence in Germany would not only serve the security of Europe but also of America. US bases in Germany air force base Ramstein, the Africa command in Stuttgart, Germany, or the military hospital in Landstuhl were essential for American operations in the Middle East, Afghanistan or Africa, the Nato Secretary-General in memory.

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