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On the occasion of Women’s Rights Day, France 2 broadcast Les Siffleurs, a TV movie starring Nadia Farès. In this fiction, the sublime actress played the role of Marianne Kacem, a police captain who leads the investigation after the disappearance of a feminist blogger played by Ludmila Maksowski (currently in The Voice on TF1).

For actress Nadia Farès, her character embodies “a cop of excellence, a strong woman, who has built a shell to preserve herself”, according to her statements for Télé 7 Jours. But the heroine seems to be overtaken by her own story in the face of this terrible disappearance. Like many stars in the film industry, the actress has been the victim of harassment during her career.

“We have all been, one day or another, confronted with this problem. With my friends in the business, we have often talked about it”, she confessed to our colleagues, referring to her own experience. “As far as I’m concerned, it was commonplace. In comical situations, I even had to fight back physically. This is unfortunately what actresses are exposed to when they are young and pretty”.

A leading face in entertainment, Nadia Farès was revealed in the Navarro series in 1990, where she played opposite Roger Hanin. But, before starting her acting career, the star of Moroccan and Armenian origin rubbed shoulders with several men in her life. If the stars are usually discreet about their private life, the young woman does not hesitate to give details about her love stories.

In front of Thierry Ardisson in Everyone talks about it on France 2, the latter returns to the first crush of Nadia Farès for a man. “Your first great love was at 13 and a half (…), he was 26. Big age difference anyway, right?” he asked before retorting. “Yes, but I was precocious”. But, this suitor will leave for Martinique and will never see the young woman again.

At 15, Nadia Farès falls under the spell of a 40-year-old Italian billionaire. “He was as handsome as a god”, assured the artist who did not hesitate to stand up to his mother, opposed to this relationship. Despite the criticism and controversy of this relationship, the Franco-Moroccan lives with her companion “for two and a half years” where they often travel.

Caught up by reality, the star chose to break up with her lover. “I was in a golden cage, I felt I had a temper that couldn’t go with it. You know, when you have lots of money, everything is very easy, at the beginning, it’s true that it’s It’s exhilarating, it dazzles you and it’s deadly. But afterwards, we are completely disconnected, we no longer realize anything”, according to his statements to the host. Several years later, Nadia Farès found love and stability with American producer Steve Chasman. They have two daughters together, Shana and Cylia.

During her career, actress Nadia Farès lived across the Atlantic with her husband and father of their two daughters between Paris and Los Angeles in the 2000s. It was at this same time that she wanted to put her activity on hold. “I left for the United States, I found myself very ‘protective mom’, and I decided to be full-time”, she said in Télé Star in 2019.

If the actress was nevertheless approached by a few producers, she refused them because she was pregnant. “After a year and a half, of course, it became rare. People knew that I had gone to the United States, and I didn’t want to spread out my private life either”, she admitted to our colleagues.

Recently, Nadia Farès returned to France to relaunch her career. “I decided to take this job, which has changed a lot”, assures the actress who played with Mel Gibson with Télé 7 Jours. The actress returned to television in 2016 in the series Marseille (broadcast on Netflix), then The Red Shadows (on C8), or even The Promise and Luther on TF1.