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The 2021 Music Festival ended badly in Paris, Nantes and Annecy. While the government had enacted the end of the curfew and the wearing of masks outdoors, hundreds of young people gathered for a “Project X” party in Paris. There were also several hundred in Montmartre who wanted to celebrate music without social distancing and in defiance of the ban on gatherings of more than ten people. Improvised concerts also took place on the Place de l’Hôtel de Ville or on the banks of the Seine. On the Place de la République, the situation became tense during the evacuation of the premises. Tear gas was used by the police and projectiles were thrown.

In Nantes, the Fête de la Musique also quickly degenerated. After a peaceful march in tribute to Steve Maia Caniço, who drowned in the Loire during a police intervention during the Fête de la Musique in 2019, another rally in his honor was held in the evening. An event that quickly turned into a free party around a hundred people. Clashes broke out between the revelers and the police who used tear gas.

According to France Bleu, clashes between revelers and law enforcement also erupted late in the evening in Annecy as banned gatherings took place in the city center. Clashes between the police and the revelers occurred around 10:15 p.m. after crowds on the edge of the lake. At least four people were arrested for violence against the police.

Overflows condemned this Tuesday, June 22 by Roselyne Bachelot on BFMTV. “There were overflows, we probably expected it,” acknowledged the minister. “Of course, we let go of the brakes, but there are still health rules to observe. I really appeal to everyone’s responsibility. The pandemic is still there. You have to be in a prudential approach “, she recalled with firmness. Faced with the violent evacuations of the police, the minister assures us that the government “showed great leniency and instructions had been given”.

“The Music Festival will be held on June 21”. This was announced by Roselyne Bachelot this Wednesday, May 12 on France Inter. The Minister of Culture had specified that despite the health crisis, the event would be celebrated without a health pass because “it is logistically impossible”. “We are working with the Ministry of the Interior to deploy security measures, but it will not be useful to present a health pass”, detailed Roselyne Bachelot.

We now know the health protocol and what the minister said is false since the health pass will apply for any show organized in an ERP or in a place open to the public whose audience exceeds 1,000 spectators.

We will have to wait until after June 21 for the bamboche. The Ministry of Culture has revealed the health protocol applicable for the Music Festival this Monday, June 7 and the music groups on all street corners, it will still not be for this year.

Indeed, one of the most restrictive measures is the ban on “impromptu concerts by musicians, in particular amateurs on the public highway” in order not to create gatherings. The protocol communicated by the ministry specifies that even if the “Music Festival is a popular event”, one of the founding principles of which is “spontaneity”, this 2021 edition must always “preserve the safety of all” and “be adapted to the current health situation”.

This is why, in addition to concerts, street gatherings will be limited to ten people. Also prohibited are “concerts in bars and restaurants when they are likely to cause gatherings on the public highway and increase the risk of contamination indoors”.

The prefects will thus be able, if they deem it necessary, to prohibit them by issuing decrees. If they are neither in the street nor in the bars and restaurants, where will the concerts be held? According to the protocol of the Ministry of Culture, it will only be in ERP (establishments open to the public such as performance halls or auditoriums) “with a seated public and in compliance with the gauge ceilings and the methods of distancing”.

The maximum authorized gauge for indoor or outdoor ERPs will correspond to 65% of the fire safety gauge within the limit of 5,000 spectators and the health pass will be required for any ERP hosting more than 1,000 spectators. The concerts will therefore have to be done with a seated audience “in order to facilitate flow management and avoid groupings and crowds”.

In addition, the mask will therefore no longer be compulsory outdoors, as has been the case since June 17, and the curfew, set at 11 p.m. until June 30 initially, will not be imposed since it has been lifted since June 20. A decision that contradicts what the ministry had announced, which had assured that “no derogation or tolerance is planned on the evening of the Fête de la Musique”.

With the concerts which will be rare with the ban on performances in the streets, France 2 invites you to celebrate The 40th anniversary of the 80s in the company of Garou and Laury Thilleman, the flagship duo of musical evenings on the public service. To celebrate this decade to the rhythm of the greatest hits of your youth, the big dance party will take place live on the Philippe-Chatrier court at Roland-Garros.

On the occasion of this highly anticipated musical event, 4,000 spectators will be at the party and will attend the performances of some forty artists such as Vianney, Clara Luciani, Benjamin Biolay and Kendji Girac. Enough to allow the French to find the rhythm in their skin before reinvesting the concert halls and soon the nightclubs, from July 9th.

For lovers of musical comedy, France 4 is rebroadcasting the show Enchantée by Marie Oppert on the stage of the Opéra-Comique in Paris. For the occasion, the young singer will appropriate the great classics of the musical genre, reinterpreting works such as An American in Paris, Cinderella, but also The Umbrellas of Cherbourg or Mary Poppins.

As a reminder, the Fête de la Musique was created in 1981 by Jack Lang, then Minister of Culture. The date of June 21 was chosen because it coincides with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year which allows you to feast until dawn.

“We needed an event that would allow us to measure the place occupied by music in individual and collective life. A spectacular movement of awareness, a spontaneous momentum to alert public opinion and perhaps also… the political class. C This is why the Ministry of Culture had the idea of ​​organizing a Music Festival in 1982. A non-directive party, which brings together all French people for whom music matters”, explained to Télérama Maurice Fleuret, appointed director music and dance by Jack Lang, in June 1983.

The Music Festival is thus created free and open to all music. The goal is to set up a major popular event that allows all musicians to express themselves and make themselves known. All styles of music have their place and amateur musicians are invited to perform voluntarily in the streets and public spaces in a large popular festival.

The first Fête de la Musique will be launched on June 21, 1982. In less than ten years, it has been taken up in eighty-five countries, on five continents. Faced with success, a postage stamp was even dedicated to him in 1998. “I had invented this event so that it would be synonymous with peace, love and light”, confided last year Jack Lang, after the disappearance tragedy of Steve Maia Caniço, drowned during a police intervention in Nantes on June 21, 2019.

In 2017, more than 120 countries around the world took part in the Fête de la Musique.