resim 351
resim 351

Behind the walls of Fresnes prison (Val-de-Marne), Dahbia B., 24, is placed in solitary confinement. The young woman is indicted for the aggravated murder and rape of Lola, 12, whose remains were found in a trunk on Friday evening October 14, in the hall of a building in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

According to information from Europe 1, who was able to speak with Magali Bodon-Bruzel, head of the psychiatric services center of the penitentiary establishment, the suspect followed the same medical course as the other prisoners.

As soon as she arrived in detention, Dahbia B. was taken care of and examined by the prison doctors. If we do not yet know the results of this screening for psychiatric disorders, our colleagues qualify: “In any case, if a disorder had been detected, the detainee would have been taken care of. In the event of inability to take her treatment itself, it would be isolated elsewhere”, can we read in the columns of Europe 1.

According to Magali Bodon-Bruzel, detainees unable to take their treatment alone are placed in cells near the care station, and are visited several times a day by doctors. Furthermore, these inmates receive their treatment hand to hand. “In ordinary detention, the treatment is given to them once a week in a pouch”, articulates the head of the psychiatry service.

As part of the judicial investigation, the alleged torturer of little Lola will be examined again, this time by a psychiatrist and a psychologist, among others to determine her criminal responsibility in the crime of which she is suspected. As a reminder, Dahbia B. benefits, at this stage, from the presumption of innocence.