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Revenge or madness? Investigators are still asking the question, a week after the discovery of Lola’s lifeless body in a suitcase. The 12-year-old girl had disappeared a few hours earlier on her way home from college, approached by a young woman at the entrance to her building. Then nothing. The police quickly follow the trail and proceed to the arrest of Dahbia B. Saturday, October 15 in the morning: she confesses the crime, giving many details on the abuse inflicted on Lola, before retracting and evoking “a dream “. Indicted earlier this week for rape and murder of a minor under the age of fifteen, the suspect was imprisoned in Fresnes prison, where she is in solitary confinement.

The police are now trying to understand the motive of Dahbia B., described as homeless and living from time to time with her sister, who lived in the same building as the victim. Who is this 24-year-old woman of Algerian nationality who arrived in France several years ago? To investigators, she explained – after seeing the photos of Lola’s body – that it made her “neither hot nor cold”, because she too had been “raped” and had seen her parents die “in front of her eyes”.

The parents of the young woman are both dead, explains Le Parisien. First his father, who remained in Algeria, then his mother, who died of cervical cancer two years ago. The Ile-de-France daily went to meet a man who frequented the mother and her three daughters. He knows Dahbia B., who still calls him “uncle” today and whose daily life he followed for several years.

A few days before the tragedy, she also came to drink coffee at the bistro run by this man, whom the newspaper calls Hakim. “Dahbia had a hollow face, she was like lost. She was not in good shape, it felt”, explains this friend of the family to Parisian, before adding: “I spoke to him about his mother, the difficulty of living without her. I could see that she was not well”. Before this final meeting, those who knew her paint a very different picture…

To know the first years of Dahbia B., you have to go to Algeria, more precisely in the district of Belouizdad in Algiers. Le Parisien interviewed a cousin of the family, who says that she “suffered when she was little”: “Her family was poor. Everyone lived in one room”. Who was she really? Some refer to the daily newspaper as a “kind, calm and shy” girl, but a man who knew her in college speaks rather of a “not really nice” teenager, sometimes “arrogant” who “made fun of the physique” of others. girls.

Arrived in France with her two sisters, to join their mother, Dahbia B. then lives on the top floor of a building in Bry-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) and is educated in a high school in Champigny, from which she comes without the tray. Hakim, the family friend, explains to the Parisian that she was not a good student: “When the mother was summoned for her daughter’s absences, I accompanied her. Dahbia tried to trick her by telling her that the meeting was in one room while it was in another. Just to be able to say: ‘Did you see, there is no one we go in’. I was there precisely to avoid this kind of thing” . Everything would have changed when his mother died two years ago.

For all those who know the young woman and who have agreed to speak to the newspaper, it is amazement: how could she have committed such a horrible crime? A former neighbor of the family thinks the situation changed after the death of the mother: “At the beginning, there were no problems. But when the mother died, it was not the same anymore. I heard outbursts of voices that I did not hear before. The two sisters were shouting at each other. I am convinced that the young woman lost her mind when her mother died.

Left to their own devices, the two young women can no longer pay the rent for the apartment and end up being evicted. Then, says Hakim, “they made their life each on their side”. According to him, the sister of Dahbia B. – who lived in the apartment where the crime took place – is “a very nice girl” who “married a pastry chef”. Regarding the suspect, he concludes with the daily: “I do not understand that she could have engaged in such acts”. The Dahbia B. mystery remains.