Murder charge against Donald Trump God spread Fake News on Twitter
Murder charge against Donald Trump God spread Fake News on Twitter

Murder charge against Donald Trump – God spread Fake News on TwitterDer extremely popular Comedy-Twitterers, The tweets Of God accused the US President of the Trump of the murder. What’s behind it?Mathias Möller8 Kommentare8US-President Donald Trump in silent prayer. Now God has apparently not enough, at least on Twitter.Photo: Keystone

Actually, God is a very funny guy. At least on Twitter. There, he reports, since soon ten years, as The Tweet Of God on earth Happened to the word, often religion-critical, mostly sarcastic, sometimes a little cynical. Time, he swears, at the next creation he will stay sober, the death of Rock’n’Roll legend Little Richard, he said lovingly: “I was passed a New one up here, he. Does anyone know what “Wop-Bop-A-Loo-Bop-A-Lop-Bam-Boom”?”

But since a few days, the Almighty is angry with. On Tuesday, he put out a Tweet that has it.

“Donald Trump has killed in October 2000, his personal assistant, Carolyn Gombell. He strangled her because she had become pregnant and threatened to tell the press. Then he bribed the chief of the New York city police Bernie Kierik to cover it up. IT IS TIME TO DETERMINE. #JusticeForCarolyn”

the Twitter-God Plays on a dirt campaign Trumps?

U.S. President Trump is a murderer? Become the Lord of my mind now? No trace of the otherwise fine irony there was to read, he afterwards pushed a couple of Tweets with the alleged facts of the case, amid tens of thousands of Retweets and over 100’000 Likes. Is He serious?

Now are the ways of the Lord, which we know from the Bible, often inscrutable; it remains, therefore, only to suspect that The Tweet Of God on a Twitter campaign Trumps reacts to this earlier in the month of may had begun. That the US President uses Twitter as a preferred channel of communication and in dealing with critics not exactly squeamish, is well known.

On 12. May the man tweeted in the White house, which seemed to be for his or her circumstances and tasteless.

“when you open the cold case with the Psycho-Joe-Scarborough-thing in Florida. He got away with murder? Some people think that. Why he left the Congress so quietly and quickly? Isn’t it obvious? What happens now? A complete lunatic!”

This Tweet seems even Trumps supporters to the derb

in Order to explain this Tweet, you have to go: Joe Scarborough was from 1994 to 2001, Republican Congressman for the first district in Florida. He then moved into the media industry and moderated since 2007, the television channel MSNBC, the morning show “Morning Joe”. As a member of the Republican party he turned in 2016 against a candidacy Trumps and criticized the President since then.

of Course, Trump is not left unanswered, the criticisms, the name “Crazy Joe” uses of the US President already since a while. His party threw in Scarborough, to have your values in order to support Trumps hurt and joined in 2017 by a Republican in the independent camp.

The incident on the Trump on the 12. May was referring to occurred in the summer of 2001. At that time, an employee Scarboroughs, Lori Klausutis died, while working on the consequences of a fall, and heart disease. Even though the police attributed the death to natural causes, brings Trump Scarborough now with the death of Klausutis in connection.

the most powerful man in the world conspiracy theories are widespread, unfortunately, is nothing New. However, this Tweet seems to be too coarse even for his supporters, something like the New York Times reported.

Twitter responded, albeit late

And also Twitter seems to tear slowly, the thread of patience. Let the short messages service of their most popular users so far, largely grant knew he on Tuesday for the first time a Tweet Trumps with a note that led to more information. And now Twitter continues to escalate: in A Tweet, trump has been hidden because it threatens the possible looters with violence. Currently, American George Floyd in the United States after the death of the African in many places, sometimes violent protests.

for the First time a Tweet to the US President was provided with a note that he was at least misleading.Screenshot:

Twitter reaches through late. Critics have been calling for for years, against the erratic behavior of the President to act; that this begins a time of particular crisis and the start of election campaign, may be seen as spicy. Especially in relation to the Scarborough affair recently, the appeal of the widower Klausutis was not given, instead, to delete Trumps Tweet.

Six million Twitter Followers are Fake News exposed

But what has that to do with God? It appears that he wants to show with his baseless accusation of us children of the Earth, how all of this is crazy, what is the US President doing on Twitter so. Perhaps The Tweet Of God would like to also challenge the platform itself. His Tweet, he has already several times succeeded twice, remained as yet unmentioned are.

the problem is that The Tweet Of God about six million people, are now exposed to, in turn, Fake News. Which will, of course, not funny, just because it meets Donald Trump. How serious the matter is, shows also the fact that the Fact-Checking Website Snopes has taken on the allegation. Their verdict is clear: no, Trump hasn’t killed any woman named Carolyn Gombell.

Behind The Tweet Of God, David Javerbaum, author, and Comedy writer, by the way. He worked for many years for the “Daily Show” by Jon Stewart and has written God’s memoirs, which are listed for a number of years as a Broadway Musical. That such a man is in the spring of 2020 at the end of his patience with the US President, is likely to be understandable. Viewed in this way, you can read the Tweet with the tremendous accusation, simply as human Overreaction. The Comedy-God widely used on Twitter, Fake News to his followers, but one thing above all: not funny.

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