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During his acting career, Mouss Diouf played several secondary roles in very popular films. The French remember his short performance in Asterix

Unfortunately, the actor is broke on the rise. In February and June 2009, Mouss Diouf suffered two strokes. As Liberation reports, the star suffered from “significant physical sequelae”, depriving him “of the use of speech”. He had subsequently “been admitted to a functional rehabilitation center”. According to our colleagues and according to his producer at the time, his health had deteriorated so much that he had “sinked into a coma”.

The actor died on the night of Friday to Saturday July 7, 2012 in Marseille. Two days after his disappearance, he was buried in the town of Auriol.

His wife Sandrine, mother of their son Isaac, confided in the actor’s tragic disappearance in the columns of Télé Star in 2018. “I’m not recovered. For me, Mouss is there permanently (… ) I can’t manage to turn the page and rebuild my life. My work has helped me a lot not to sink. Today, I’m at home with my children (…) I think it’s there’s no room for a new life, and maybe there never will be,” she said at the time.

Invited on the show Chez Jordan, the actress Véronique Genest had mentioned the complicated relationship between Mouss Diouf and the production of the Julie Lescaut series. According to her, “there were problems with the production because he was a complicated person. He wanted more money”, she explained and added: “He wanted to shoot less and earn more , and the production asked me not to tell him that he wouldn’t come back, and that I never accepted. He was upset, he died very shortly afterwards”.