you can have More than one out of every five employees in the country (22 per cent) in the first six months of the year, with a salary increase. That’s according to a poll by the rekruteringsbureau Robert Half.
in Particular, workers under 35 years of age and who works in Brussels, were given a mark-up. More than half (54 per cent) were for a salary increase of up to 3%, and 22% even expect a pay rise of between 3 and 7 percent of the time. More than one-quarter of respondents (27 per cent) – in a survey of nearly a thousand people – it shows in the first half of the year, by 2020, storage is to be expected.
A cross-industry loonakkoord is limited, however, the maximum increase to 1.1 per cent over the index for the current and following year. “It may be, it is for promotions,” says Wim Van der Linden, Robert Half. “A person with a phd has a solution for the people on board.”
more startlonen.
The tightness in the labour market, and the competition between companies to get the right person to put on, make sure that the startlonen up. For jobs that require difficult to appropriate staff cannot be found, employers are quickly willing to offer a salary increase. According to figures published by the Belgian statistical agency Statbel increase in earnings for the first quarter of 2019, on average, by 2.4 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year.
with A high salary alone is not enough staff to keep up, or hiring only three out of ten is the reward for the most important part of their job. More and more workers, according to Robert Half, have been asking for more flexibility on pay, benefits and hours of work. “That may be, for example, the opportunity to be a part of the income to turn it into an extra vacation days, or opt for an additional insurance. But also, for example, working hours or in a well-situated place of work is important.”
for More on the Wages the Employers and the trade unions want a minimum wage increase, We are working on this week, both for ourselves and not for tax purposes, but the Belgians are still in the hoogstbelaste workers of Europe and wage restraint, has the consumption slowed down by a case Study: “Policies led to more than half the job growth in the private