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Over 60% in two years: this is the impressive increase in unwanted calls suffered by French consumers. The figures provided by the operator Orange show that the phenomenon of spam and telephone scams has been growing rapidly in recent years, reports BFM TV.

In 2022, 6 out of 10 calls received on a landline would be unwanted. As for mobile line users, they receive an average of 13 unwanted calls per month, compared to 8 in 2020. And this despite the existence of Bloctel, a free service to protect themselves from cold calling.

Commercial canvassers are no longer the only ones overloading the telephone lines. Indeed, CPF (Personal Training Account) scams are extremely numerous in 2022. The typical call is to ask the victim for the codes to access their CPF and to sell them fake training, intended to recover their funds.

It must be said that the accumulated Personal Training Accounts of all French people are around 50 billion euros, which attracts ill-intentioned people. An amendment to the 2022 Finance Bill (PLF) prohibiting canvassing at the CPF was tabled in November 2021, but has not been followed up since.

“Not everyone is equal when it comes to unwanted calls. Some only receive one, others 50 a day,” laments Deborah Caderon, manager of the Orange Telephone application. She also explains: “There are, for example, numbers that can be reassigned to new customers and which are ‘polluted’. Unfortunately, when you recover a number, you can also recover the troubles that go with it”. Other than changing the phone number, there are few alternatives for those affected by this infuriating problem.

Deborah Caderon also talks about the creation of the Orange Telephone application, a service that has 900,000 users in France. It is possible to filter incoming calls using alerts and register unwanted numbers on a common database. Other telephone operators are launching similar initiatives.

Another advanced solution is the Bloctel device, launched by the government in 2016. Unfortunately, according to a survey of 60 million consumers, 47% of subscribers to this opposition list system did not see the number of unwanted calls. lessen.