Monacovrouw Winny emotional thats When I knew that I would never have children it would be able to get a
Monacovrouw Winny emotional thats When I knew that I would never have children it would be able to get a

In the last episode of the FIVE-program Monacovrouwen tells the Winny being outspoken about her desire to have children, that may never be filled. Winny had her uterus removed, after all the fibroids in the morning. “Your life was hanging by a thread,” said her husband, Vincent. “It was either that or die, and I’m so glad that you’re still with us.”

More about that by any chance? The Ex-regeringslid of the Home to allow himself to go to the benefitgala, and laughs at the president for a lot of people square off, very Dangerous: cleaning lady is cleaning the windows on the top floor of the apartment without any protection to Lady Gaga and thunders from the stage, after a fan of the singer, picked up, and with her, to dance a Leopard, which was paralysed after the attack is re-released into the wild, “His recovery was miraculous, to see”