resim 109
resim 109

“Shocked”. Here is the feeling felt by Romain Tanneau, a resident of Bourg-blanc, in Finistère, at the sight of a mini-tornado. Extremely rare climatic phenomenon in France and which occurred this Thursday, September 1, 2022. Immortalized in a video by the resident of this small town north of Brest, he testifies, in the columns of Ouest France: “I traveled a lot in the world when I was a policeman. I have seen small whirlpools in deserts, but nothing comparable to a tornado of this type.

According to him, it was a tube 3 or 4 meters in diameter, “high as a church.”

The video recording of this climatic anomaly is not without danger. As the witness attests:

“I saw the branches and the stones rising and turning. If there had been a dog, I’m sure it would have been taken away!”. It is therefore necessary to be vigilant around this potentially dangerous singularity.

However, Météo France specifies that “tornadoes are produced by thunderstorms. They start from the base of the clouds and reach the ground or not.

For the official meteorological service of France, the term mini-tornado does not correspond to a climatic phenomenon. equally significant damage.

Microbursts correspond to air currents descending from a cloud and spreading on the ground, while tornadoes correspond to ascending and swirling air currents. indicates the site.