Michel Van den Brande to survive for a week with 80
Michel Van den Brande to survive for a week with 80

At Vitaya, is Tuesday night’s episode of the Dutch program, even extremely rich very poor , which is the Flemish entrepreneur, Michel Van den Brande joins in. In the program In exchange for a rich and a poor gzin a week in each other’s lives, and they have to make do with each others ‘ budgets. Van den Brande to swap with a family in which the wife in the mediation of debts was, and it was around 80 euros per week).

with The passage Of the Burn, and his friend, Adam, who, this past spring, though in the broadcast, caused uproar because of Michel, which is the home of the Dutch, it is a little chaotic, found. She gave it to him right away, “yes, Yes, I would have as much as the people in my house, afraid to let go. It’s not because you are poor, you really can be.” In their statements delivered to them on social media, a lot of comments on it.

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see also:

The Sky is the Limit!: Michel Van den Brande for the speech-language pathologist

click here to Watch the video of Michel Van den Brande, and Dennie Damaro