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At 78, Michel Polnareff does not seem to want to retire, quite the contrary. The Goodbye Marylou singer is releasing an album of covers of her greatest songs on November 18. In addition, the singer has formalized his tour which will begin from May 2023.

In 2016, the artist had to be hospitalized in an emergency and placed on oxygen following a pulmonary embolism. The doctor Philippe Siou had confided at the time on his state of health in the columns of Parisian. “I am not Michel Polnareff’s friend, I am a doctor, a technician, a practitioner. He suffered a pulmonary embolism and his vital prognosis was at stake. I made an official written statement last Monday which m ‘engages, but also engages the hospital on the basis of complete examinations. I have no qualms,’ he said.

This November 13, Michel Polnareff had mentioned the cancellation of his concerts live from his home as part of the immersive experience Polnarêves. “There was a beam problem for the transmission. A disappointment all the greater since my last tour ended in blood sausage…”, he had declared to the Parisian and to add: “I did not not drowned thanks to Dr Siou and the American hospital, but it was not pleasant to let the public down on the last two dates, in Pleyel and Nantes, in particular the Japanese who had saved years to come. but I am still alive and I can still make them happy”.

Planet invites you to discover what the famous French singer looks like today.