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(Quebec) Michel Côté will receive the National Order of Quebec posthumously during a ceremony at the National Assembly next Wednesday.

The actor, who died on May 29 at the age of 72, will be named a Knight of the National Order by Prime Minister François Legault, who had sold the wick on social networks.

“I was to decorate him with the National Order of Quebec in a few weeks,” Mr. Legault revealed in a message posted on his Facebook page the day of Michel Côté’s death.

He had paid tribute to “one of our great comedians”.

“I still laugh out loud at Broue, Cruising Bar, La petite vie, but I also remember his touching role in CRAZY,” wrote the Prime Minister.

The National Order is the most prestigious recognition awarded by the Quebec state. The honor can be awarded posthumously, but “this provision is only very rarely applied,” says the Order’s website.

On June 21, 34 people will be honored with one of the three ranks of the Ordre national du Québec.

The actress and writer Janette Bertrand, as well as the painter and sculptor Armand Vaillancourt will be promoted to the rank of grand officers of the Order.

Singers Édith Butler and Patsy Gallant, and actress Guylaine Tremblay, will receive the title of signet rings.

“The Quebec nation will pay a more than deserved tribute to these 34 great men and women. Their careers and their exceptional contributions in various fields remain a source of inspiration and pride for all of Quebec.

“It will be a great pleasure to present them, on behalf of the people of Quebec, with these insignia,” Legault said in a statement Thursday.