Merz comment He doesnt need to sulk
Merz comment He doesnt need to sulk

you could to a new permanent burner in the CDU, the question namely, what is Friedrich Merz in the party and, quite possibly, the government could, or should, or could be, and certainly should not.

The Merz-followers, who raise this question, keep the intra-party competition at the Simmer, the, has been chosen as a reminder of the former Saarland Minister-President Kramp-karrenbauer. Because of the victory, however, was only quite scarce, disappointment, and sorrow in the camp of the (main)Inferior still.

That thinks he’s suitable to hold a Ministerial post, is not a Sensation. Who is a candidate for the top position of the party that is the party political anchor of Germany, must necessarily also has the ability to hold the political Leadership of the community. But that is not vacant, for the Moment at least.

in A reshuffle of the government is also not in sight, but may still come. Until then, Merz can’t keep his party activities to sulk he certainly needs.