
Mercato – Real Madrid: Deschamps Responds Clearly on Mbappé

The Real Madrid officially announced the signing of Kylian Mbappé earlier this week, who has committed for five years after his free transfer from PSG. The end of a long saga and a real “relief” as stated by the French striker, and Didier Deschamps has reacted to Mbappé’s comments that have stirred up a lot of controversy in recent days. It was an open secret, and Real Madrid put an end to the suspense last Monday: Kylian Mbappé has committed for five years in the Spanish capital. After refusing to extend his contract with PSG, the captain of the French national team is therefore taking on a new challenge in Spain. But this change of club was not easy for Mbappé, who had openly discussed last Tuesday in a press conference about his delicate departure from PSG. PSG: Scandal after his departure, he fights back!

“A great relief”
“It’s a great relief, I am very happy. I think it is easy to see on my face. I played much less at the end of the season and everyone knows why. That’s how it is, you have to adapt when you are a high-level player. It is not an excuse for me before this Euro. I am trying to get back in the best possible shape and I want to help the French team and try to bring the cup home,” stated Kylian Mbappé. These remarks were not necessarily well received by the PSG management. But on his side, Didier Deschamps is more pragmatic. “Everyone knew it”

In an interview with Le Parisien, the coach of the French national team puts things into perspective regarding the Mbappé saga at Real Madrid since there had been no surprises for several months regarding the outcome of the case: “At least, it’s official, even though everyone knew. It’s not an announcement in itself. I was asked the question: ‘So, internally?’ What do you want that to change? Everyone knew. It’s just from the outside perspective, waiting for the moment when it’s official. It is. On the first day when he arrived, he knew his goal very well,” Deschamps states. That’s clear.