Two men are said to have shouted racist slogans to the song “L’amour toujours” at the Rock im Park festival in Nuremberg. Witnesses heard the slogans “Germany for the Germans” and “Foreigners out” from the neighboring gondola on a Ferris wheel, police announced on Sunday. According to the witnesses, two of the five people in the gondola were singing.

When the witnesses confronted the group of five after the trip, they were attacked by two men aged 28 and 30. The witnesses were not seriously injured, said a police spokeswoman. The organizer banned the two attackers from the venue. The police are now investigating on suspicion of incitement – against unknown persons, because it was not clear who in the group had sung on Saturday.

Just in May, a video of party guests on Sylt sparked nationwide outrage. Guests had sung racist slogans to the tune of a party hit, which can be heard and seen in a video lasting just a few seconds.